
  • Apinyar Chatchorfa Mahachulalongkornrajavidayaly University
  • Phrasomnuek Dhīrapañño Mahachulalongkornrajavidayaly University
  • Borworn Khdmmchunsri Mahachulalongkornrajavidayaly University


Thai local government, Centralization


This article is an analysis of the characteristics of local government in the centralized era that occurred during the reign of King Rama V, namely, sanitation of Bangkok and other places. It is not a local government organization based on decentralization in theory because all the power to operate is the power of the government. While the sanitation of Tha Chalom only has certain characteristics that are consistent with the principles of local governance. But the only Tha Chalom sanitation had certain characteristics that were corresponding to the local administration. But overall context of Tha Chalom is still under the power of area supervisors. Although there are some representatives of the local people as directors, the administrative power still rests with the Executive Committee, who is the headman of the village strictly under the command of the government while the residents of Tha Chalom Sanitation Area do not have sufficient knowledge about the mission of Tha Chalom sanitation and do not have experience in local administration of their own.


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How to Cite

Chatchorfa, A., Dhīrapañño, P., & Khdmmchunsri, B. (2022). THAI LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN CENTRALIZATION ERA. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 11(3), 422–435. Retrieved from