
  • Kampol Sritho Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Phramaha Krisada Kittisobhano Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Phraudomsitthinayok (Kumphol Kunungkaro) Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


concept, political philosophy, Plato


The purpose of this article is to study and analyze Plato's political ideas. The study found that Background and reasons for Plato's interest in political philosophy because of the unfair political problems of the city of Athens which caused Socrates, Plato's teacher, to be executed. because of social and political criticism During that time, Athens was under the rule of Sparta. Plato then set out to travel to various places. to seek further knowledge and return to Athens again to set up the Academy to serve as a center for transferring educational and political knowledge to society Characteristics of a good political leader must have a clear mind and a healthy body. A wise king who leads a government must have knowledge. Good political character must educate people. Plato's good form of political governance is aristocracy. The influence of religion on Plato's metaphysical political conception is in the world of dominant form. Political developments require strict rules. and the political weakness lies in the people's lack of education As for Plato's socio-political concepts, it was about the division of labor. Socio-political problems come from ideas that are imagined beyond reality. Political strength lies in the formation of participatory organizations. The influence of human beings on the creation of a political society is the development of the mind. Education as a tool for social development is arithmetic. arithmetic and astronomy


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How to Cite

Sritho, K., Kittisobhano, P. K., & (Kumphol Kunungkaro), P. (2023). ANALYSIS OF PLATO’S POLITICAL PHILOSOPHICAL IDEAS. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 12(5), 404–416. retrieved from