Decisions, Agricultural Occupation, Agricultural Students, Analysis of ComponentAbstract
Objectives of this research were to study fundamental data, decision making, analysis of decision components. and guidelines for motivation to motivate in agricultural occupation after graduation of 370 of 3rd and 4th year agricultural students in upper northern Thailand. The collected data using an online questionnaire, analyzed by descriptive statistic, confirmatory factor analysis, and rational content analysis.
The results showed that more than half of the samples were female and studying in the 3rd and 4th year in equal proportion, with an average age of 22.26 years. An average annual income from agriculture was 75,352.46-baht, 145,795.08 baht of non-agricultural income per year and most of them owned their own land. The samples mostly had their specific knowledge on plants science. They had participated in agricultural activities by external and internal agencies. Attitude towards agricultural occupation and persuasion from friends and acquaintances were at a moderate level ( = 3.50,
= 3.30), and the motivation from teachers was at a high level (
= 3.51). While the decision on agricultural occupation after graduation was at a high level (
= 3.53). An analysis of decisional components of 20 variables found the Kasier-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity was statistically significant at 0.938 which was variables in advanced agricultural technology were the most important. Therefore, the policy of curriculum and lecturer’s development in technology and contemporary dimensions should be an urgent concern by University.
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