Buddhist Communication Innovation, Proactive Public Relations, Royal Thai PoliceAbstract
Objectives of this research paper were to study communication for proactive public relations, study the factors that affected communication for proactive public relations, and propose the Buddhist model of communication innovation for proactive public relations of the Royal Thai Police This research was the mixed the methods: collected data from 231 samples from police officers involved in public relations in the Royal Thai Police Bangkok and from 547 people and used questionnaire as a tool, analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics with statistical packages. The qualitative research, data were collected from 17 key informants by in-depth interviewing and analyzed by content descriptive interpretation.
The study was found that: 1. The overall proactive public relations was at a high level. 2. Factors affecting communication for proactive public relations were found that Buddhist Communication Innovation and public relations management affected the proactive public relations of the Royal Thai Police at the level of 0.01 3. Buddhist model of the communication innovation for proactive public relations of the Royal Thai Police, had 2 factors: Buddhist communication innovation and public relations management which promoted the successful proactive public relations of the Royal Thai Police.
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