The dual vocational education management, Excellence, Chacheongsao Vocational EducationAbstract
Objectives of this research were to: 1. Study the level of the dual vocational education management and 2. Comparatively study the dual vocational education management, conducted by quantitative research, collected data from 181samples who were teachers in vocational educational institutions at Chachoengsao Province, by using the criteria for determining the sample size from Krejcie and Morgan prefabricated tables, and using a Multistage Sampling Method. The research instrument was five-level estimation scale opinion questionnaires. Data were analyzed by Frequency, Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation. Use the mean test statistics by t - test, F-test and Analysis of Variance. (ANOVA).
Findings of the research were as follows: 1. The overall of the dual vocational education management towards excellence in Vocational Education was at high level ( = 4.46, S.D. = 0.54). Ranked average from highest to lowest was the quality of students and graduates, the quality of management, the quality of learning and teaching and the quality of cooperation between enterprises and educational institutions. and 2. The results of a comparative study of the dual vocational education management towards excellence in Vocational Education, classified by gender, age, education level and work experience were found that, samples with different gender, age, education level and work experience, by overall, did not have different opinions on the dual vocational education management towards excellence in Vocational Education
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