Characteristics of Leaders, Role of Administrators, Sappurisa-DhammaAbstract
Objectives of this research were: 1. To study the characteristics of leaders of municipal administrators. 2. To study the factors affecting the development of the leadership traits of municipal administrators. 3. To propose a model for the development of leadership characteristics according to the Sappurisa-Dhamma principle of municipal administrators in Samut Prakan Province. The research was conducted by using mixed methods: The quantitative research used questionnaires that had reliability value at 0.987, The data were collected from 550 samples who were municipal personnel in Samut Prakan Province, and analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, structural equation model and confirmatory factor analysis. The qualitative research, data were collected by in-depth interviewing with 17 key informants and analyzed by content descriptive interpretation. Data were also collected from 10 participants for focus group discussion to confirm the model after data synthesis.
Findings of the research were as follows: 1. Development of the leadership characteristics of municipal administrators in Samut Prakan Province, by overall, was at high level in all aspects. 2. Factors contributing to organizational engagement showed that the development of leadership and management roles through the principle of Sappurisa-Dhamma affected the development of the leadership traits of municipal administrators by overall at 21% and 3. A model for the development of leadership characteristics according to the Sappurisa-Dhamma principle of municipal administrators consisted of two fundamental factors: development of leadership and the role of municipal administrators, and integrated Buddhist principles, namely Sappurisa-Dhamma, to achieve efficiency in municipal administration according to Dhamma principles and development principles.
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