Management, Community Involvement and Sustainable Development of Historic Sites History Measure was Inconspicuous Tumbon Ta Num Oi 's Nakhon Sawan district


  • Wan Makha Kesorn Dokmai Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University


Management, Development, Historical Monuments Community


The objectives of this research were: to study the level of the community management with the participation for the sustainable development of historical monuments at Wat Khao Mai Den, Tha Nam Aoi Sub-district, Phayuha Khiri District, Nakhon Sawan Province and to study the ways for the community management with the participation for the sustainable development of historical monuments at Wat Khao Mai Den, Tha Nam Aoi Sub-district, Phayuha Khiri District, Nakhon Sawan Province.

             This research applied the Mixed Method Research consisting of the qualitative and quantitative research. The tools of the research were the questionnaire and the focus groups. The sample of the research was 341 people from 2,862 people living in Tha Nam Aoi Sub-district, Phayuha Khiri District, Nakhon Sawan Province by the sampling table of Krejcie and Morgan for answering the questionnaires. The informants for the focus group were the community leaders, the government officers and the representatives of the people by the purposive sampling to study the community management with the participation for the sustainable development of historical monuments at Wat Khao Mai Den, Tha Nam Aoi Sub-district, Phayuha Khiri District, Nakhon Sawan Province.

             Results of the Research

             Overall, the level of the community management with the participation for the sustainable development of historical monuments at Wat Khao Mai Den, Tha Nam Aoi Sub-district, Phayuha Khiri District, Nakhon Sawan Province was at the middle level ( = 2.51). When considering each aspect, it was found that the leading or directing had the highest level of the participation ( = 2.83). Second, the controlling had the level of the participation at  = 2.56. Third, the organizing had the level of the participation at   = 2.39. Last, the planning had the lowest level of the participation ( = 2.26).

             The ways for the community management with the participation for the sustainable development of historical monuments at Wat Khao Mai Den, Tha Nam Aoi Sub-district, Phayuha Khiri District, Nakhon Sawan Province were:

  1. Public relation through the media in doing the activities, inheriting the background of the historical monuments at Wat Khao Mai Den.
  2. Conscious in appreciating in the historical monuments at Wat Khao Mai Den by the storytelling of the elders about the background of the historical monuments at Wat Khao Mai Den to the youth.
  3. Sacrifice for public should make a sacrifice for the public of the people in relaying to maintain the historical monuments at Wat Khao Mai Den.
  4. Budgeting sufficiently to promote the occupation of the people in the community and the activities that focused on the role of the people in controlling and following up in the working of the public

    The objectives of this research were: to study the level of the community management with the participation for the sustainable development of historical monuments at Wat Khao Mai Den, Tha Nam Aoi Sub-district, Phayuha Khiri District, Nakhon Sawan Province and to study the ways for the community management with the participation for the sustainable development of historical monuments at Wat Khao Mai Den, Tha Nam Aoi Sub-district, Phayuha Khiri District, Nakhon Sawan Province.

                 This research applied the Mixed Method Research consisting of the qualitative and quantitative research. The tools of the research were the questionnaire and the focus groups. The sample of the research was 341 people from 2,862 people living in Tha Nam Aoi Sub-district, Phayuha Khiri District, Nakhon Sawan Province by the sampling table of Krejcie and Morgan for answering the questionnaires. The informants for the focus group were the community leaders, the government officers and the representatives of the people by the purposive sampling to study the community management with the participation for the sustainable development of historical monuments at Wat Khao Mai Den, Tha Nam Aoi Sub-district, Phayuha Khiri District, Nakhon Sawan Province.

                 Results of the Research

                 Overall, the level of the community management with the participation for the sustainable development of historical monuments at Wat Khao Mai Den, Tha Nam Aoi Sub-district, Phayuha Khiri District, Nakhon Sawan Province was at the middle level ( = 2.51). When considering each aspect, it was found that the leading or directing had the highest level of the participation ( = 2.83). Second, the controlling had the level of the participation at  = 2.56. Third, the organizing had the level of the participation at   = 2.39. Last, the planning had the lowest level of the participation ( = 2.26).

                 The ways for the community management with the participation for the sustainable development of historical monuments at Wat Khao Mai Den, Tha Nam Aoi Sub-district, Phayuha Khiri District, Nakhon Sawan Province were:

    1. Public relation through the media in doing the activities, inheriting the background of the historical monuments at Wat Khao Mai Den.
    2. Conscious in appreciating in the historical monuments at Wat Khao Mai Den by the storytelling of the elders about the background of the historical monuments at Wat Khao Mai Den to the youth.
    3. Sacrifice for public should make a sacrifice for the public of the people in relaying to maintain the historical monuments at Wat Khao Mai Den.
    4. Budgeting sufficiently to promote the occupation of the people in the community and the activities that focused on the role of the people in controlling and following up in the working of the public


๑. ภาษาไทย
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How to Cite

Kesorn Dokmai, W. M. . (2015). Management, Community Involvement and Sustainable Development of Historic Sites History Measure was Inconspicuous Tumbon Ta Num Oi ’s Nakhon Sawan district. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 4(2), 169–179. retrieved from