LIP Model: Learning Innovation Process for Sustainable Development


  • Thanee Chukamnerd Prince of Songkla University
  • Thitimadee Arphatthananon Prince of Songkla University
  • Marut Khamcha-om Prince of Songkla University
  • Ekkarin Sangthong Prince of Songkla University


LIP Model, Learning Innovation Process, Local Scholar, Sustainable Development


The LIP Model consists of three major consecutive process steps: Innovation Creation, Innovation Utilization, and Innovation Diffusion. These three steps are primary factors to transfer the local knowledge and wisdom of  the wise folk south scholars. The process is as follows: review the source of information, discover  new knowledge, to make a difference, to plan the procedures, to try out actively, to be responsive to the development, to find out the balance point, to be supportive sufficiently, to create the knowledge-based society, apply for living, share extend to others, and check out and screen information. The factors that affected the success of the learning innovation process for sustainable development consisted of : leadership prototypes, creating a shared vision, innovation adoption, the dynamic approach, cyclical management, friendly communication, a close to sources of knowledge as well as local wisdom, both academic wisdom, to rely on appropriate technology, and to be socially acceptable.


๑. ภาษาไทย
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How to Cite

Chukamnerd, T., Arphatthananon, T., Khamcha-om, M., & Sangthong, E. (2020). LIP Model: Learning Innovation Process for Sustainable Development. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 4(3), 185–196. retrieved from