The Neccessary Buddhadhamma for Public Administrators As Recorded in SuttantaPitaka, Angkuttaranikaya


  • Saman Ngamsanit Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Buddhadhamma, Public Administrators, Suttantapitaka, Angkuttaranikaya


          The objectives of this research entitled The necessary Buddhadhamma for public administrators as recorded in Suttanta PitakaAngkuttara Nikaya were; 1. to study the necessary Buddhadhamma for publicadministrators as recorded in SuttantaPitakaAngkuttaraNikaya, 2. to categorize the necessary Buddhadhamma for public administrators and 3. to propose the findings for the public administrators to apply the necessary Buddhadhamma in administration of public affairs.  The methodology was the documentary  research collecting data from Tipitaka; Suttanta Pitaka Angkuttara Nikaya from section 1 to section 11 to find the necessary Buddhadhamma for the public administrators and also another Buddhist scriptures to find the explanations of Buddhadhamma in short and in details. 
          Findings were as follows: There are 60 titles of necessary Buddhadhamma for public administrators recorded in Suttanta Tipitaka Ankutaranikaya volume 1-4; Tutikanipata to Tasakanipata. But noe of  necessary Buddhadhamma for public administrators recorded in Akanipata, Navakanipata and Akatasa nipata. From these 60 titles, the most necessary Buddhadhamma for public administrators  are of 21 titles; they are Lokapala Dhamma of 2, Rare Persons of 2,  Sammaditthipaccya of 2, Patisanthara 2,  hospitality of 2, Dhamma of 2, Gracing virtue of 2, Bahukaradhamma, virtues of great assistance of 2,  Succarit of 2,  Merchant’s attributes of 2,  Akati of 4, Brahmavihar 4, Sangkahavattu 4,  Pathan of 4,Bala of 4, Vutthi of 4, Rajasangkahavattu 4, Dhamma for prosperity of 5 and Sappurisadhamma of 7, Apparihaniyadhamma 7 and Rajadhamma 10.


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มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย. พระไตรปิฎกภาษาไทย ฉบับมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย. กรุงเทพมหานคร: โรงพิมพ์มหาจุฬาลงกรณ์ราชวิทยาลัย, ๒๕๓๙.

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How to Cite

Ngamsanit, S. (2020). The Neccessary Buddhadhamma for Public Administrators As Recorded in SuttantaPitaka, Angkuttaranikaya. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 4(3), 47–58. retrieved from