The Development of Subject Integrated Curriculum of Prapariyuttitham General Education School (Group 9)


  • Pornphan Saenkarun วิทยาลัยบัณฑิตศึกษาด้านการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม


Curriculum of Development, Integrated Curriculum


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the development ofsubject integrated curriculum of Prapariyuttitham General Education School(Group 9). 2) to study the result of examination, using subject integrated curriculumof Prapariyuttitham General Education School (Group 9). This research was managedfor 4 steps, 1) drafting the development of subject integrated curriculum2) evaluating for suitability and possibility 3) making try - out off the subjectintegrated curriculum 4) concluding the development of subject integratedcurriculum. Population, included 100 monks/administrators monks 25monks/teacher for thai language, 25 monks/teacher for Pali language, 25 monksI teachers for Buddhism language subject, in a total of 175 person in theacademic year of 2557. The samples using in this study were 80 administrators,20 Thai language teachers, 20 Bali language teachers and Buddhism subjectteachers, total 140 people. The size of the sample used a table of Krejcie andMorgan (1975) in simple random sampling techinque for 20 people from eachteacher group. Teachers on five rating scale. The research instrument was practicequestionnaire with 5 Level Rating Scale, IOC ranged between 0.85-1.00, reliabilityCoefficient = 0.98.The research findings found that:The Development of Subject Integrated Curriculum of PrapariyuttithamGeneral Education School (Group 9) with 7 components 47 indicators, consist of 1)the curriculum development for schools 2) the measurement, assessment andtransfer 3) diagnose Needs 4) the objective determination 5) content Selection 6)choosing learning experiences 7) composition Management of learning experiences.The experts had self-consistant opinions that the development of SubjectIntegrated Curriculum of Prapariyuttitham General Education School (Group 9) forall components and indicators were suitable and possible. The result of try-out,using subject integrated curriculum for student sample found that the achievementof study in Thai language, Bali language and Buddhism subject were at high levle.The suggestions for adjustment the curriculum as were follows ; 1) Public EducationProgram Integration Language Course content Thailand Pali and Buddhism.2) Schools use the results of assessment of learning to improve learners regularly.3) Schools should set the objective of developing an integrated curriculum ofcourses which fulfill the aims of the curriculum .


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How to Cite

Saenkarun, P. (2016). The Development of Subject Integrated Curriculum of Prapariyuttitham General Education School (Group 9) . Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 5(1), 163–178. retrieved from