Budget, Strategic performance, Local administrative organizationsAbstract
This article aimed to 1) analyze and examine the confirmatory components of strategic performance based budgeting, 2) study the operation level of strategic performance based budgeting, 3) study the problems and solutions for corruption of strategic performance based budgeting of local administrative organizations in Nakhonsawan Province. The samples used in this study were personnel of the local administrative organization, totaling 200 people by using the multi-stage sampling method. The instrument used for research was a questionnaire. Data were analyzed with statistics, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and content analysis. The results of the research were as follows: the confirmatory components of strategic performance based budgeting consisting was a high level of overall practice and statistically significant value was at 0.01 level. Corruption among employees of local administrative organizations was found due to lacking of honesty and ethics in their work place. The solutions to the problem of corruption were to determinate penalties under the law. The organization must support the cultivation of moralities, ethics and good conduct. The executives must demonstrate good role models for all personnel. In addition, the central committee should be appointed to systematically control the expenditures of the organization.
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