Management, Sub-District Public Training Unit, Buddhism PropagationAbstract
Objectives of this article were to study the problems, to analyze the elements, and to present the guidelines for the development of the public training units in the Kamphaeng Phet Province, using qualitative research method, collecting data from 25 key informants by in-depth-interviewing and from 14 participants in focus group discussion and analyzed data by descriptive interpretation. Findings were as follows: 1. The unit headman and the committee of some units were at different areas. The committee lacked knowledge and understanding of training. There were not clear guidelines. 2. The components of the district public training unit management were composed of 5 components, namely: 1) assistance and support for local people, 2) the center of coordination between monasteries, villages and departments 3) the center of all people’s ideas, 4) power center for village protection for peace and 5) The information center 3. The guideline for development was found that there should be operational plans, monitoring and improving the development of people’s quality of life.
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