Life Quality, Life Quality of Housing, Myanmar Migrant WorkersAbstract
Objectives of this article were to analyze the situation and life quality in housing of Myanmar migrant workers in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province applying the Mixed methods: The qualitative research collected data by in-depth-interviewing 21 key informants, purposefully selected from Myanmar migrant workers, Thai friends, employers and government officers and analyzed data by descriptive interpretation. The quantitative research collected data with questionnaires from 350 Myanmar migrant workers. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The findings revealed as follows: 1) situation of housing of Myanmar migrant workers in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province; Employers provided permanent and temporary accommodation, such as “Kongsee” for single of 2-3 people, families such as parents and children to live together, accommodation was not narrow and not far from the workplace. No need to pay the rent and use water from the well, only the actual electricity payment per month. 2) Life Quality of housing of Myanmar migrant workers in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province; Life Quality of housing of Myanmar migrant workers in the medium level ( = 3.33, S.D.= 0.56).
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