The Development of Vocational Management Model According to Sufficient Economy Philosophy in College under The Office of the Vocational Education Commission


  • Usanee jittapalo Western University
  • NitwadeeJ irarotephinyo Western University


Model Development, Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy



                    The purposes of thisstudy were 1) to study management components of vocational education in accordance with philosophy of sufficiency economy for schools under the office of Vocational Education Commission, and 2) to develop the management model of vocational education in accordance with the philosophy of sufficiency economy for schools under the office of Vocational Education Commission.  Delphi technique was used to interview 21 experts who were selected by using snowball sampling and 94 items of a 5-rating scale questionnaire which the reliability was 0.98. The samples consisted of administrators and teachers in schools providingas the learning centers of the philosophy of sufficiency economy or schools as the master schools of the philosophy of sufficiency economy.  Taro Yamane formula was used to calculate the sample size of 395 informants.   Data were analyzed by using median, interquartile range, mean, and standard deviation.

  The research results were found as follows:

  1. As regards the management components of vocational education in accordance with philosophy of sufficiency economy for schools under the office of Vocational Education Commission, there were 4 components as follows: 1) Creating knowledge and understanding, 2) Applying an implementation, 3) Cooperating, and 4) Monitoring and evaluating.
  2. As regards the evaluation results of the management model of vocational education in accordance with the philosophy of sufficiency economy for schools under the office of Vocational Education Commission, it was found that the significant was at the highest level. When considering by each aspect, it was found that in terms of


The research found that

                    applying theimplementation was at the first highest level, followed by in terms of monitoring and evaluating, coordinating, and creating knowledge and understanding, respectively.

Keywords : Model Development, Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy




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How to Cite

jittapalo, U., & irarotephinyo, N. (2019). The Development of Vocational Management Model According to Sufficient Economy Philosophy in College under The Office of the Vocational Education Commission. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 8(3), 199–212. retrieved from