
  • Phrakhruwijitrdhammawiphat Boonlert Phanyawutho Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Prasert Thiloa Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Kiatisak Sukluang Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Meditation practice, promotion, development, meditation centers


Objectives of this research were; 1. to study general conditions and problems of people’s meditation practice in PrachuapKhiriKhan Province. 2. to study structure of meditation centers  ofPrachuapKhiriKhanProvince and 3. to propose the meditation centers promotion development of PrachuapKhiriKhanProvince.

The findings were as follow.

  1. 1. Conditions, problems and obstacles of the meditation centers of Prachuap Khiri Khan Province were found that monasteries play the important roles in inheriting Buddhism. Since Buddhism has both tendencies to progress and decline. So monks play the most important roles in preaching and transferring Buddhadhamma to people to follow. Monks have to set the good examples with good behave to arouse the people’s faith so that they will practice Buddhadhamma. There are 3 to 4 meditation centers at every district in Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, rpviding conveniences for people to practice meditation. Even though, there are still a few people to attend the meditation centers, also the meditation masters are limited. There is not coordination among meditation centers to help one others. Some meditation centers are located in the middle of city with many distracting environment, causing problems for meditation practice.
  2. 2. The structures or components of the meditation centers in PrachuapKhiri Khan Province were found that important factorsthat makes people interested in dharma practice depends on 3 parts; namely, Place, monasteries that are used for the meditation centers are ready and equipped with clean, peaceful and convenient facilities. Personnel; meditation center masters and meditation teachers must be competent and knowledgeable, good examples, well ethical behave that induce faith and acceptance andManagement; the meditation centers provide many methods of meditation teaching that allow people to choose in line with their preference.
  3. 3. Guidelines for the meditation centers promotion development of Prachuapkhirikhan Province were that the meditation centers should regularly improved, ready for activities at all times. Sangha Order should create more new meditation teachers and develop those existing teachers with new knowledge and competency. There should be regular meditation practice with both short and long terms to suit the unpredictable needs of various groups of people. In some occasions, there should be meditation practice outside of the centers, such as government offices, private companies and educational institutes, etc


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How to Cite

Boonlert Phanyawutho, P., Thiloa, P., & Sukluang, K. (2019). MEDITATION PRACTICE PROMOTION DEVELOPMENT OF MEDITATION CENTERS IN PRACHUAP KHIRIKHAN PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 8(3), 44–60. retrieved from