
  • ศักดิ์ดา โชตะยากฤต


Role, Human Trafficking, Fishery Workers, Immigrant Workers, Illegal Fishery.


The objectives of this research were to study 1) the role of the department of fishery in solving the human trafficking problems 2) the important factors influencing the role of the department of fishery in solving the human trafficking problems 3) the means and method in solving the human trafficking problems of the department of fishery.

This research was the qualitative method was employed by using documents and in-depth interviewing of 27 key informants and the focus group discussion was used. The data were analyzed by descriptive analysis.

The findings of this research as follows:

1) The migrant workers in Thai-Sea-Fishery boats were employed some illegal human trafficking 2) the method of solving illegal human trafficking of the Thai government was lacked of efficiency and effectiveness in the application of laws and regulations that didn’t able to conform to the laws of international standard. Thailand had received the 3-tier status from United of America which was classified as the worst case and receiving the yellow status from the law of European standard. 3) the Application of laws and regulations in case of illegal human trafficking were not really enforced, according to international law-set. This case had brought about the tremendous impacts to entrepreneurs and the Thai government 4) the worst situation had occurred, due to the lacking of integration of many departments involved, as too many cooks spoiled the foods  and 5) the problems of illegal human trafficking were caused by economic greed, so the entrepreneurs needed to have a cost deduction of entrepreneurs cost, therefore, they employed the illegal acts in the Sea which was faraway from the authority to follow.

Recommendations were as follows: 1) policy formulation to deal with illegal human trafficking to solve the root of problems of the fishery workers to manage, monitor, control and to follow up, in line with the rules of laws 2) the sustainable solution of illegal human trafficking to solve the problems of fishery workers, which the government had to give the opportunity for the entrepreneurs to collaborate as a joint-committee to oversee the migrant workers in fishery boats at Sea 3) the migrant workers management should be a center of one stop services 4) policy formulation and strategic plan for migrant workers in fishery must be advanced in planning in the long term  and 5) to develop and understand the impacts of illegal consequences of fishery and human trafficking  that had brought about the loosing  the image of trust and confidence of the Thai government.


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How to Cite

โชตะยากฤต ศ. (2018). THE ROLE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES IN SOLVING PROBLEM OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN FISHERY WORKERS. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 7(4), 211–224. retrieved from