Sopanee and Raksod, the Chanta: From Western Fairy Tale, Beauty and the Beast, to Thai Literature

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พัชลินจ์ จีนนุ่น


            The purpose of this study was to analyze a Thai literary work, Sopanee (beauty) and Raksod (beast), the Chanta (a category of Thai poem) which was adapted from a western fairy tale. The research finding revealed that Sopanee and Raksod, the Chanta was composed by Khakkanang Yukol Krom Luang Phichitprichakon which was an adapted version of a western fairy tale called Beauty and  the Beast. The piece was newly recomposed as a Thai literary work. It contained values in both the content and art-created language. The composition was intended to serve Thai consumers and, therefore, numerous advanced poetic conventions were incorporated. The author uses titles and characters that are consistent with the story. The story began with a panegyric verse followed by verses of character personification, inserting narration of palace and castle, explanation of nature setting, and elaboration of bathing and dressing in the content part, and ending with the sadness from the separation of the character. Moreover, the composer shifted the core story from an emphasis of romantic love to the love of a father and child.  In addition to the core shift, the composer also uses the rasas of Karuna as the main flavor in the story. They create emotions and pleasure for the readers. Morever the composer switched from what originally was the prose to the use of two Thai poem categories including Chanta and Kapaya which made the story especially beautiful and poetic. The story was also made special as it was composed under Konlabot rules, special poetic composition mechanics used to demonstrate composer’s specialty of word choices. Single Konlabot and mixes of diverse Konlabot techniques were implemented which resulted a very unique Thai literary composition that set itself apart from the original fairy tale of the west. All in all, it also reflected the composer’s capability rather well.

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How to Cite
จีนนุ่น พ. (2019). Sopanee and Raksod, the Chanta: From Western Fairy Tale, Beauty and the Beast, to Thai Literature. Journal of Humanities Naresuan University, 16(2), 23–39. retrieved from
Research Article / Academic Article
Author Biography

พัชลินจ์ จีนนุ่น

ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.พัชลินจ์  จีนนุ่น

อ.ด. (ภาษาไทย) จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย

อาจารย์ประจำสาขาวิชาภาษาไทย คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยทักษิณ



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