Development of online marketing communication formats to promote tourism in the Mae Sot Border Special Economic Zone, Tak Province

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Sumonmal Atthawutthichai1
Suwatchanakanda Phun-iat
Chakkapan Wongrerkdee


The objectives of this study are to explore the formats of online marketing communication and the design of online media, and to present media through online channels as influencing travel decisions within the Mae Sot border economic zone, located in Tak Province. The study employed a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods, utilizing questionnaires and unstructured interviews.    The sample population comprised tourists, with a sample size of 385 individuals selected through random sampling. Additionally, 9 interviewees were purposefully selected from among tourists, tourism operators, and mass media operators. Data analysis applied frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, and standard deviation.

The findings of the study suggest that the presentation of information through live broadcasting is both captivating and enjoyable. Still images are effective in capturing attention, while video clips offer comprehensive information with both visual and auditory elements. Storytelling, or content creation, proves to be engaging across various narratives. Online media facilitates swift information retrieval, enhances accessibility, and plays a critical role in influencing tourists' travel decisions. Regarding the second objective, the design of marketing communications entailed the creation of video clips showcasing tourism narratives specific to the Mae Sot District, with a duration of approximately 3 minutes and 46 seconds, titled "11 check-in points, Mae Sot District, Tak Province."

These video clips were disseminated across three online platforms: the Facebook fan page, YouTube, and through QR code scanning. The distribution of these video clips through online media platforms indicated a notable interest from viewers. Examination of participation metrics, including visits (views), likes, hearts, shares, and comments, revealed a positive trend in tourists' perceptions.

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How to Cite
Atthawutthichai1, S., Phun-iat, S., & Wongrerkdee, C. (2024). Development of online marketing communication formats to promote tourism in the Mae Sot Border Special Economic Zone, Tak Province. Journal of Educational Innovation and Research, 8(1), 243–262.
Research Article


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