Buddhist Guideline for Intercultural Communication in Harmony for Foreign Students of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University

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Siha Theinlwin
Sanu Mahatthanadull
Phramaha Nantakorn Piyabhani


This study is about how to live harmoniously in a society that includes people of many different races and cultures. This is very important, but how to live harmoniously between different races and cultures has been neglected in previous studies. The objectives of the research are: 1) to explore the coexistence problems of foreign students of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (MCU.) 2) to study the rules & regulations for MCU’s foreign students and Buddhist doctrine for living in harmony and 3) to analysis the Buddhist guideline for multicultural living in harmony of foreign students of MCU., The data was obtained from Buddhist doctrine, rule & regulation of MCU. This study explores the Buddhist guidelines for fostering harmonious multicultural living among international students at MCU.

The research findings indicate that the application of Buddha's doctrines, along with the university's meditation program, creates a conducive environment for international students from diverse cultural backgrounds. These guidelines, although beneficial for international students, require active practice to be effective and are also applicable to multicultural societies at large. The primary challenges faced by international students, including disagreements and cultural differences, can be mitigated through the principles of sāraṇīyadhamma, which emphasize conciliation. The study reveals that the successful implementation of these Buddhist principles and regulations hinges on the participants' attitudes. Promoting patience, tolerance, mutual joy, multicultural awareness, social discipline, and dhamma for social life are identified as key components for achieving harmony in a multicultural setting.

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How to Cite
Theinlwin, S., Mahatthanadull, S. ., & Phramaha Nantakorn Piyabhani. (2024). Buddhist Guideline for Intercultural Communication in Harmony for Foreign Students of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University . The Journal of International Buddhist Studies College (JIBSC), 10(1-2), 36–48. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ibsc/article/view/275135
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