The Journal of International Buddhist Studies College (JIBSC) 2024-05-31T17:12:13+07:00 JIBSC Open Journal Systems <p>ISSN:<strong> 3027-6276 (Online)</strong></p> <p>The journal aims to support and publish research and academic articles that focus on Buddhism, Religious Studies, and other related fields, or that explore the application of Buddhism in disciplines such as economics, social administration, environment, and education. The target for JIBSC includes scholars, researchers, and practitioners in the fields of Buddhist Studies, and related disciplines, as well as those interested in the interdisciplinary applications of Buddhist principles in various sectors such as economics, social administration, environmental studies, and education. </p> Intellectual Leadership in the Knowledge Economy: Nurturing Innovation and Learning Organizations 2024-02-05T10:54:29+07:00 Asst. Prof. Dr.Wanchai Suktam Jirayu Supsin Sanya Kenpahoom <p>In the knowledge economy, intellectual leadership plays a critical role in directing organizations through the promotion of inquisitiveness, creativity, and ongoing education. This makes it possible for businesses to take advantage of intellectual capital, which spurs growth, innovation, and long-term success. Skillfully navigating the intricacies of the knowledge economy, intellectual leadership fosters innovation by promoting knowledge sharing, lifelong learning, and ethical principles. It is essential to assess its efficacy and acknowledge the contribution of intellectual agility to innovation. Innovation and intellectual capital act as mediators between the positive effects of transformational and transactional leadership on organizational performance. Case studies of intellectual leaders from the real world provide insightful information about how successful leadership fosters innovation.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Journal of International Buddhist Studies College (JIBSC) Finding Peaceful Living Through the Pa-Auk or Ledi Meditation Techniques 2024-04-05T14:21:58+07:00 Aung Tun Win <p>This article thoroughly examines the shared foundational principles that are deeply ingrained in Buddhist teachings and are embodied by both the Pa-Auk and Ledi meditation techniques. It emphasizes the importance of mindfulness, concentration, and insight as crucial elements that lead to inner peace and spiritual liberation. In the process of exploring the role of meditation in fostering a peaceful existence, it brings to light how the Pa-Auk and Ledi techniques, which are part of the Theravada Buddhism tradition, offer distinct paths for individuals to discover themselves and develop personally. The Pa-Auk meditation technique focuses on the cultivation of tranquility (samatha) and insight (vipassana) through various practices such as breath awareness and mindfulness of physical sensations. Practitioners of this technique benefit from the guidance provided by the teachings of the Buddha as well as contemporary masters, which aids them in making spiritual progress and living harmoniously. On the other hand, the Ledi meditation method, which was developed by the Burmese monk Ledi Sayadaw, places its emphasis on the mindfulness of the body by systematically reflecting on bodily sensations and breath awareness. The aim of this approach is to shed light on the impermanent nature of existence, thereby fostering a deep understanding of the transient nature of the world. Both techniques bring about serene advantages, with the Pa-Auk meditation technique promoting emotional balance, peaceful coexistence, and a more profound understanding of existential realities. Similarly, the Ledi meditation technique emphasizes the cultivation of mindfulness, concentration, and understanding, ultimately leading to the cessation of suffering and the attainment of a peaceful way of living. By embracing both the Pa-Auk and Ledi meditation practices, individuals embark on a transformative journey towards heightened self-awareness, compassion, and alignment with their surroundings, ultimately contributing to the creation of a tranquil society characterized by harmony and peaceful cohabitation.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Journal of International Buddhist Studies College (JIBSC) THE FACTORS AFFECTING EFFECTIVE ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE MANAGEMENT: A CASE STUDY HONGFU COMPANY IN CHINA 2024-01-23T16:32:31+07:00 Zhan Dongjie Tachakorn Wongkumchai Ntapat Worapongpat <p>The primary objective of this research is twofold. Firstly, it aims to discern the various factors that influence the efficient management of organizational culture in the context of environmental protection for recycled plastic products. Secondly, it strives to formulate a comprehensive model for effectively managing the organizational culture of such environmentally conscious recycled plastic products. In order to accomplish these objectives, the research employs a quantitative research methodology. A total of 172 individuals were selected as the sample size from a population of 300 individuals, which comprised general managers, internal staff, distributors, and competitors in the distribution market. The sampling method employed for this research was the well-known Yamane Taro technique. The data collection process was facilitated through the administration of a questionnaire, which exhibited a commendable reliability coefficient (IOC) of 0.81. Various statistical methods were utilized to analyze the collected data, including IOC, Average, Standard Deviation, Pearson correlation, and Multiple Regression Analysis.</p> <p>The outcomes of the investigation have revealed a series of noteworthy findings. Firstly, it has been observed that the collaboration between individuals and organizations plays a crucial role in various aspects. This includes the enhancement of industry competition, the adaptation to market environment, and the improvement of employee participation and work efficiency. Furthermore, the study has identified that the utilization of indicators and awards positively affects organizational structure and communication model. Moving on to the second point, the research has established that the management model for environmentally friendly recycled plastic products</p> <p>has a significant impact on the effective management of organizational culture. This impact has been measured quantitatively, with an effect size of 31.10 percent. This finding implies that organizations that adopt this management model are more likely to successfully cultivate and maintain a positive and sustainable organizational culture. Therefore, it is recommended that organizations consider implementing this management model to optimize their cultural management strategies and achieve long-term success. In conclusion, the research has shed light on the importance of collaboration, indicators, awards, and the management of environmentally friendly recycled plastic products in enhancing organizational culture and overall effectiveness.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Journal of International Buddhist Studies College (JIBSC) The Process of Kamma Rectification for Sustainable Health and Longevity for Thai Buddhists 2024-05-31T17:12:13+07:00 Phra Rurngvit Aggadhammo Sanu Mahatthanadull Phramaha Nantakorn Piyabhani <p>This research article has 3 objectives: 1) to analyze the problems and impacts of the notion of kamma rectification among Thai Buddhists, 2) to study the kamma rectification in Buddhist Scriptures which is related to health and longevity, 3) to propose the process of kamma rectification for sustainable health and longevity for Thai Buddhists. The research methodology of this dissertation-based article is documentary, in-depth interview research, and focus group discussion.</p> <p>The findings show that Thai Buddhists commonly think “kamma” refers to bad actions from their past life that are giving bad consequences in this life. This is believed to lead to many illnesses and short life but this is not entirely correct according to the Buddhas’ teachings. The “kamma rectification” is a Thai Buddhists’ belief to amend the result of the kamma by accepting its existence and trying to improve the present-kamma that is believed to rectify the result of past life kamma. But in the Tipitaka is not (directly) mentioned at all. To begin the process of kamma rectification for sustainable health and longevity for Thai Buddhists, the kamma rectifier must first have a right view of the meaning of “kamma” and “kamma rectification.” Then start the general process of kamma rectification which helps minimize kamma result. It generally starts with realizing, letting go, and overcoming mistakes. Then, minimizing negative behaviors and their effects by engaging in positive deeds like generosity, abiding by precepts, and practicing Dhamma. The wise kamma rectifiers should also aim to reach extinguishment of kamma by following the Noble Eightfold Path which leads to no more rebirth and ultimately no more illness. The process of the kamma rectification for sustainable health and longevity is to follow the health promotion methods as it appeared in the Theravada Buddhist Scriptures.&nbsp;</p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Buddhist Guideline for Intercultural Communication in Harmony for Foreign Students of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University 2024-02-19T15:38:06+07:00 Siha Theinlwin Sanu Mahatthanadull Phramaha Nantakorn Piyabhani <p>This study is about how to live harmoniously in a society that includes people of many different races and cultures. This is very important, but how to live harmoniously between different races and cultures has been neglected in previous studies. The objectives of the research are: 1) to explore the coexistence problems of foreign students of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (MCU.) 2) to study the rules &amp; regulations for MCU’s foreign students and Buddhist doctrine for living in harmony and 3) to analysis the Buddhist guideline for multicultural living in harmony of foreign students of MCU., The data was obtained from Buddhist doctrine, rule &amp; regulation of MCU. This study explores the Buddhist guidelines for fostering harmonious multicultural living among international students at MCU.</p> <p>The research findings indicate that the application of Buddha's doctrines, along with the university's meditation program, creates a conducive environment for international students from diverse cultural backgrounds. These guidelines, although beneficial for international students, require active practice to be effective and are also applicable to multicultural societies at large. The primary challenges faced by international students, including disagreements and cultural differences, can be mitigated through the principles of sāraṇīyadhamma, which emphasize conciliation. The study reveals that the successful implementation of these Buddhist principles and regulations hinges on the participants' attitudes. Promoting patience, tolerance, mutual joy, multicultural awareness, social discipline, and dhamma for social life are identified as key components for achieving harmony in a multicultural setting.</p> 2024-06-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Journal of International Buddhist Studies College (JIBSC) Characteristics of Buddhist Politicians for Public Interest Devotion in Thai Society 2024-05-19T12:27:05+07:00 Mathayom Nipakasem Sanu Mahatthanadull Phramaha Nantakorn Piyabhani <p>This article aimed to (1) explore the issues facing Thai politicians and the concept of public interest, (2) explore Buddhist teachings relevant to politicians, (3) present the characteristics of Buddhist politicians for public interest devotion in Thai society. The data collection tool utilized for this research involved conducting in-depth interviews with ten key informants, including four senior monks, one former Prime Minister, and four scholars. The analysis of the gathered data was conducted through the method of content analysis. The findings of the study revealed the following:</p> <ol> <li>The challenges confronting Thai politicians encompass various ethical dilemmas present in their behaviors, communication, and mindset. These challenges revolve around issues such as conflicts of interest and instances of corruption. Furthermore, the exploration of public interest entails an examination of the realm of politics, the conduct of politicians, and their ethical obligations, all of which have the potential to give rise to conflicts of interest and corrupt practices.</li> <li>The Buddhist teachings that hold relevance for politicians encompass a wide array of guidance for the functioning of political systems. These teachings include concepts such as (1) lddhipāda (Path of Accomplishment), (2) Brahmavihāra (Sublime States of Mind), (3) Kusala-kammapatha (Wholesome Course of Actions), (4) Dassa-rājadhamma (Virtues of the Rulers), (5) Cakkavatti-vatta (Duties of a Great Ruler), (6) Rāja-sangaha-vatthu (Bases of Sympathy), (7) Agati (Wrong Courses of Behavior), (8) Sappurisa-dhamma Qualities of a Genuine Person, (9) Aparihāniya-dhamma (Things Leading Never to Decline but Only to Prosperity),and (10) Attha (Benefit or Welfare). </li> <li>The characteristics defining Buddhist politicians who are dedicated to public interest within Thai society encompass ethical and moral aspects, behavioral traits, mental attributes, and a perspective centered on public welfare. These characteristics include qualities such as being a just ruler, possessing trustworthiness, engaging in righteous conduct in both speech and actions, demonstrating active participation, upholding a commitment to justice, embracing a sense of responsibility, displaying passion and dedication, adhering to a particular ideology, exercising sound judgment, nurturing a mindset that prioritizes non-greed, embodying a spirit of devotion (social altruism), and exemplifying traits of loving-kindness. These four characteristics collectively embody the concept of "Bhāvitā," which comprises physical development (Bhāvikāya), moral development (Bhāvisīla), emotional or mental development (Bhāvicitta), and wisdom development (Bhāvipaññā).</li> </ol> <p>In conclusion, the adoption of Buddhist principles by politicians is crucial for fostering a political environment characterized by integrity, accountability, and ethical behavior. This alignment not only addresses the immediate ethical challenges within governance but also promotes sustainable societal progress. Through these principles, politicians can effectively contribute to the creation of a just and harmonious society, benefiting all citizens and enhancing the overall quality of governance in Thailand.</p> 2024-06-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Journal of International Buddhist Studies College (JIBSC) An Analytical Study of the Role and Influence of the Most Venerable Thích Trí Tịnh in Propagating Pure Land Buddhism in Vietnam 2024-05-29T10:22:56+07:00 Bhikkhuni Le Thi Kim Huyen Sanu Mahatthanadull Phramaha Nantakorn Piyabhani <p>This article aims to achieve three primary objectives related to Most Ven. Thích Trí Tịnh 1) To study his life and works, 2) To study the propagation of Pure Land Buddhist teachings associated with him, 3) To analyze his role and influence in the dissemination of Pure Land Buddhism within Vietnam. The research methodology employed is documentary research, involving a study of various documents and an analysis of Buddhist texts.</p> <p>The findings show that the life and works of the Most Venerable Thích Trí Tịnh, who is a great monk and an excellent student and practitioner of the Buddha’s Teaching. Throughout most of his life for sentient beings, he left behind an extremely great work of translating Mahāyāna scriptures for Vietnamese Buddhism. His practice methods and teachings have been adopted and followed by many disciples to practice and achieve happiness in the present. According to his teachings of Pure Land Buddhism faith, vow, and practice are the main teachings, and to achieve good results in daily life vegetarianism practice, sutta chanting, and reciting the Buddha’s name are very valuable. In addition, the practitioner should know how to take advantage of “MOT practice” or free time to practice any day any time to improve oneself better. Regarding his role and influence in propagating Pure Land Buddhism in Vietnam, he left behind an extremely great work of translating Mahayana scriptures for Vietnamese Buddhism. Furthermore, the influence on Vietnamese society, the Sangha community, culture, environment, education, etc., made great contributions. In particular, the pure land practice method that he revised and propagated has become one of the main practice methods in Vietnam to this day.</p> 2024-07-11T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Journal of International Buddhist Studies College (JIBSC)