Author Guidelines

The Journal features articles and research notes/articles in the fields of Buddhist Studies and integration of Buddhism with humans and society. Its aim is to encourage and disseminate scholarly contributions by the University's faculty members and researchers. Well researched, innovative works by other scholars are welcome. A review committee consisting of academic exports in the relevant fields will screen all manuscripts, and the editorial board reserves the right to recommend revision/alteration, if necessary, before their final acceptance for publication Journal of International Buddhist Studies College  (JIBSC) publishes material in the following four categories:

  1. Research Articles (3,000–8,500 words)

  2. Academic Articles (4,000-7,500 words)

  3. Book Reviews (1,200-1,500)

 4. Article Reviews (1,200-1,500)

 Research & Academic Articles

 Research and Academic Articles will present original research in any of the areas under the journal's list of Subject Classifications. Contributors are welcome to contact the editors beforehand to discuss proposals or for guidance regarding the sorts of topics which are suitable for publication in the journal. Research articles will be subject to double blind peer review by appropriate members of the editorial board or external evaluators selected at the editors' discretion. Papers should generally be no longer than 7,500 words (inclusive of footnotes, bibliography and notes on contributors), unless permission for a longer submission has been granted in advance by the editors.

 Book Reviews/Article Reviews

 As appropriate, the journal will publish reviews of various materials addressing issues which are included under the journal's Subject Classifications. Typical length 1,200–1,500. Longer reviews of over 5,000 may be published as Review Essays at the discretion of the book review editor and the general editors. 

Submission Guidelines

All submissions should be preceded by a header on a separate page containing the title of the manuscript, the name(s) of the author(s), any affiliations, mail and email addresses, and telephone numbers. The header should be formatted as in the following example:

 a) Title: Title of Submission

 b) Author(s): A.N. Author

 c) Word length: ....... words

 d) Date of submission: 1 November 1994

 e) Address:

  Name of Institution

  Name of Department

  Email Address

  Telephone Number

Note: authors of accepted manuscripts assign to the Journal of International Buddhist Studies the right to publish the text both electronically and in any other format and to make it available permanently in an electronic archive.

A complete set of the proposed articles, including abstracts and keywords. Contributions should conform to the journal's house style, as detailed in the Style Guide below. When the proposal is provisionally accepted, the next step is for all essays, including the introductory essay, to be submitted for blind review. These should be made directly to the editors using the online submission system. The introductory essay should not only de-identify the author of the essay itself, but identities of all the contributors should be hidden by using designations such as ‘Author 1’, ‘Author 2’, etc. At this stage, the guest editor should also provide the managing editor by email with a list of two recommended referees for each submission. As guest-editor(s), it is understood that you will:

Recommend two referees per article to meet the standards of the journal's double-blind peer review process. The Editors reserve the right to choose alternative reviewers.

 Undertake the majority of contributor liaison, including advising authors of review outcomes and necessary revisions.

Check revised articles to ensure quality and that authors have addressed referee concerns.

Edit articles to ensure that they generally comply with the house style. Final copy-editing and proofing of the issue will be undertaken by members of the editorial team, but it is the responsibility of the guest editor to ensure the overall quality and consistent formatting of articles.

After publication of the special focus section, the names of guest editors will appear on the home page of the current issue as well as in the journal archive.