Good Friendship for Wholesome Life in Pāli Nikāya

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Ethumalpitiye Sumana


We can see lots of disputes are arising among families, societies and among different countries due to lack of good friendship within them. As a result of secularism and the modernism of society, the people have been more complex than at any other time. Therefore, people are fighting to achieve their goals. Within such a condition, people always nourish selfish thoughts. They don’t know each other in the same village around their residences. That is call anonymity of society. Therefore, many global crises have appeared in the world. As a result of none understanding the usage of Buddhist doctrine to solve those problems, people are fighting with their own generation. The concept of Kalyāṇamittata in Buddhism is the best solution for world peace. It leads to a peaceful and federal society. On the other hand, according to Buddhism the association with good friends (Kalyāṇamittata) is the way of liberation.

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How to Cite
Sumana, E. . (2021). Good Friendship for Wholesome Life in Pāli Nikāya. The Journal of International Buddhist Studies College (JIBSC), 7(1), 26–36. retrieved from
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