An Analytical Study of Phrakrusangworasitthichote’s Educational Administration for Educational Equity among Highland Youths

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Narongchai Thanajayo



There were two objectives in this study: 1) to survey the status of educational administration at Wat Ban Khun Buddhist School and 2) to analyze the educational administration for educational equity by Phrakrusangworasitthichote. Data were collected through field observation and in-depth interviews with the school principal, vice principal and 3 teachers who had worked for more than five years and assisted the school principal. The data were analyzed using the framework of POSDCoRB, which included planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordination, reporting and budgeting. The findings showed that the school has provided the free Pāli study and basic education in the lower and upper secondary levels to underprivileged highlander youths since 2003. The school became the leading Phrapariyattidhamma school and had the highest number of students who passed the Pāli examinations in Chiang Mai. Moreover, educational equity was implemented through all elements of POSDCoRB. All students were treated fairly and inclusively. From the perspective of fairness, the admission process was fairly open to all students. Students equally received the learning materials as well as the personal necessities. The scholarships were also suitably distributed. From the perspective of inclusiveness, the school created a conducive learning environment. The disadvantaged students received an extra care. For example, the malnourished students received the special nutritional care. Those who lacked of reading and writing skills were included in a ‘nursery class’ to develop their language proficiency. Moreover, English language and computer classes were provided.


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How to Cite
Thanajayo, N. . (2021). An Analytical Study of Phrakrusangworasitthichote’s Educational Administration for Educational Equity among Highland Youths. The Journal of International Buddhist Studies College (JIBSC), 7(1), 76–89. retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Narongchai Thanajayo

Venerable Dr.Narongchai Thanajayo. 20 plus years ago, he was a young successful engineer in the world of Technology, lived and worked in USA nearly 10 years. One of his job before ordaining

as a Buddhist monk was a project counsellor for Thai Embassy in Brussels, Belgium. At the age of 35, he

joined a short-term Monk ordination program thinking that he would return to his career after 30 days.  But he

fell in love with the peaceful monastic life and has stayed on as a monk for past 14 years.

Today Venerable Narongchai is the Chief of the International Ordination and Training Program. 

The program has provided the unique opportunity for over 1500

foreigners to experience the monastic life and practice meditation. He received his Ph.D.  in Peace Studies from International Buddhist Studies College Of Mahachulalongkonrajavidyalaya University.  His vision is to “Make the world a better

place through attainment of inner peace”.


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