The Concept of Passionless Mind (Virāga Citta) in Theravāda Buddhism

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Dr.Dhanardhip Mahadharmarakhito Hardnaulee
Ven Subinoy Bhikkhu


The main objectives of this research are to study Passionless Mind in Theravāda Doctrinal teachings and its approach to solve on basis of Buddhist Doctrine which will provide main guidelines for destroying Passionate Mind, ending the suffering and the cycle of rebirths. The cause of suffering and the cycle of rebirths are usually come from the six sense doors which are often from internal and external expects. This article gives much insight knowledge on how to get the answers to solve various problems. The human beings come to this world due to ignorance. Due to ignorance, we cannot see the reality of Passionless Mind. Avijjā it is rooted in desire or greed (lobha), wrong view (diṭṭhi), delusion (moha) and āsava are connected or conditioned to the psychological process to the clinging the internal and external phenomena. In this research discusses about the Passionless Mind which is the origin of the human happiness, made clear in the central concept in the early Buddhist analysis. It can be concluded that, mainly due to Passionate Mind, one undergoes all worldly conditions and suffering and rotate in this cycle of rebirths (saṁsāra).

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How to Cite
Hardnaulee, D. M., & Bhikkhu, V. S. (2021). The Concept of Passionless Mind (Virāga Citta) in Theravāda Buddhism. The Journal of International Buddhist Studies College (JIBSC), 6(1), 38–60. retrieved from
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