Sustainable Environmental Management

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Phra Sornchai Thammiko


This article aimed to the way Environmental issues are occurring without controlling is not limited to any part of in the country, and it is not limited to any area. The impact of environmental issues has spread throughout become a global problem. Thailand is one of the countries is affected by environmental issues. Especially, the environmental issues that arise from the fast- growing industry since the government has the policy to focus on industrial development that is the reason that has caused many industrial plants to occur. At the same time, that is causing issues the subsequent environment. Environmental management is a measure due to the idea that businesses and environment is something that must be carried out simultaneously to achieve sustainable business development. Environmental matters turned to change the
management strategy by starting with the principles. Environmental management is used in proactive business organizations, as well as responding to government
policies. That also promotes environmental management.

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How to Cite
Thammiko, P. S. (2019). Sustainable Environmental Management. The Journal of International Buddhist Studies College (JIBSC), 4(1), 37–46. retrieved from
Academic Articles