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Phramaha Boonsook Suddhiyano


The statement “working is life or life is works” is always said because mindfulness creates the work and the work creates mindfulness. The Thai monk, Buddhadasa bhikkhu, said “the working is dhamma practice1”. There are many works in the world where we live. These involve good and bad choices. We can call these “the profession”. It is necessary to live by works, because we all have to spend life by activities or jobs which take us to happiness or richness. All activities that appear in the world come from human beings who created them by their wisdom that can be common or super mundane2. We all actually face the important things which are included in the three characteristics as Buddha said in Dhammaniyamasutta. When we see them with mindfulness, we can relieve suffering. So mindfulness3 makes works perfect, but works make life perfect by compassion4 to others.

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How to Cite
Suddhiyano, P. B. (2019). WORKING AND COMPASION. The Journal of International Buddhist Studies College (JIBSC), 3(2), 37–45. retrieved from
Academic Articles