Perspective: Characteristics of Business Organization Leaders based on the Application of Buddhist Psychology in the challenging Post-Covid-19 Era


  • Anatthon Benjaworachot Paiboonkijthana co.,ltd, bang nam jeud subdistrict, muang district, samut sakhon province


Leadership, Characteristics of Leader, Organization, Business, Buddhist Psychology, COVID-19 Era


           In this article, the author presents a perspective on the characteristics of business organization leaders according to Buddhist psychology in the challenging era after COVID-19. In Thailand, the spread of the COVID-19 virus caused an impact on the health and lifestyle of many people. Leaders of business organizations in the present era need to have a leadership position that is flexible and consistent with leadership that applies appropriate Buddhist psychology principles related to Buddhist principles in order to be a person with the ability to govern themselves. According to the Buddhist psychology principles, these are Brahma Viharn principles 4, Sangahawatthu4, andIttibats 4, which are considered essential principles that the leaders of the organization need to use in managing for organization in order to create unity and harmony in society, which are principles for all to worktogether in the organizationand live together in society. For the creating in a work process, perspective in management, monitoring and evaluation perspective, there must be an adjustment or change in the structure of the management system. So that the organization can be a competitor, the Executives must have comprehensive knowledge, create work systems, work processes, and monitor and evaluate results that are constantly changing. Moreover, it is necessary to continuously increase knowledge and ability that focused to create work that is efficient, effective and appropriate to the context of their business organization where challenges in the business world always arise. Leaders in each business organization must find the appropriate methods and operating guidelines in each dimension to meet the needs of the organization and consumers and be able to move along with the global trends of change for the sustainability of success in the future. It will happen after the challenging situation of the COVID-19 disease. That fades away along with many more adjustments to business organizations that must occur in the future.


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How to Cite

Benjaworachot, A. (2024). Perspective: Characteristics of Business Organization Leaders based on the Application of Buddhist Psychology in the challenging Post-Covid-19 Era. Journal of Applied Psychology and Buddhism for Society, 10(1), 291–306. retrieved from