Buddhist Psychology Way of Life and Trends of the Thai Astrological Counseling in the Next Decade (A.D. 2022 – 2031)


  • Thanachanan Surabanchakarn Ph.D. Buddhist Psychology, Department of Psychology, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Siriwat Sricruadong
  • Man Suesungnoen


Buddhist Psychology Way of Life, Thai Astrology, Counseling, Creative, Next Decade


           This dissertation is an integrated EDFR future research between EFR and Delphi technique. There are three objectives including: 1) to study and analyze the principles of Buddhist psychology and the set of knowledge of Thai astrology in the future counseling, 2) to synthesize data and direction of the Buddhist psychological way of life with trends of the Thai astrology in the future counseling, and 3) to present a scenario of the Buddhist psychological way of life and trends of the Thai astrological counseling in the next decade. There are four types of research tools used consisting of 1) In-depth interview with 21 experts 2) Questionnaire with the same experts 3) Focus group with 13 experts and 4) Connoisseurship with 12 experts. Key informants of an in-depth interview divided into 3 groups: 1) monks 2) psychologists and 3) astrologers, interviewing in three dimensions: Optimistic Realistic, Pessimistic Realistic, and Most Probable Realistic. An analysis of qualitative data was done by QDAT Knowledge or 6’C Technique, Triangulation Technique, and Data Saturation. For the quantitative data, it was analyzed by finding Median (Md), Interquartile range (QR), Mean (), and Standard Deviation (SD).

             The study findings were found that 1) The future model of astrology counseling should incorporate the principles of ethics and psychology as essential foundations. It should also utilize technology and innovation to develop teaching curricula and create forecasting tools to support societal changes in the era of globalization. 2) The ethical and moral development of astrologers has significantly improved, along with the utilization of new technologies that benefit counseling under the principles of love, harmony, and cooperation to develop the body of knowledge to be a science of wisdom with morality precedes knowledge and disseminate it to be a Buddhist astrology counseling society. 3) The future scenario consists of 12 important components: 3.1) Social Entrepreneurship 3.2) Astrology Image, 3.3) Knowledge Center, 3.4) Astrologer Developing Organization, 3.5) BPAC Curriculum, 3.6) Higher Education, 3.7) Astrological Counseling based on Noble Truth Way, 3.8) Artificial Intelligence Counseling, 3.9) International Academic Seminars, 3.10) Astrological Sciences Organizations, 3.11) Empowering Center, and 3.12) Career Path Alternatives.


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How to Cite

Surabanchakarn, T., Sricruadong, S., & Suesungnoen, M. (2024). Buddhist Psychology Way of Life and Trends of the Thai Astrological Counseling in the Next Decade (A.D. 2022 – 2031). Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 10(1), 1–20. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/267606