How Does the Walking (Meditation) Affect Physical and Mental Health?


  • Sansern Chongpadoongsath Independent Academic, 1403/450 Chapter Charoennakhon–Riverside, Banglamphu Lang, Khlongsan, Bangkok


Walking Meditation, Meditation, Mindfulness, Physical Health, Mental Health


           In the current social and economic context, modern technology is being used to replace human; hence, all in the today's society including children and youth are facing higher stress and anxiety, especially the employees in the private sector. Hence, everyone is trying to find various solutions to reduce their stress and anxiety; nevertheless, many of those solutions are not the long-term solutions and can only temporarily relieve the problems. In facts, everyone can reduce his or her stress and anxiety by their own by just applying natural method.

             Practicing mindfulness and meditation is the method that can help reducing stress and anxiety. The easy but practical method which can be done anytime is the walking with mindfulness. This is also known as the Walking Meditation. From various studies and researches as listed out in appendices, “Walking Meditation” has given significant benefits to physical health, such as improving cardiovascular health, developing muscle strength and flexibility, controlling weight, building joint flexibility and bone strength, and stimulating circulation and increasing the efficiency of peripheral nerves. In terms of mental health, walking meditation also helps in developing mindfulness, reducing stress and anxiety, controlling emotion, etc.

             There are a few key methods of walking meditation, which can be summarized as: walking meditation by dividing steps into intervals, walking meditation by using silent recitation and normal walking but focusing the mind on the body while walking. Each method results in the same objective, which is to create concentration and mindfulness while walking. Therefore, this is how to practice and then to develop the mindfulness. Mindfulness acts like a guardian overseeing the changes in the mind and the processes within it. It is therefore an important aspect that guides Covert Behavior and Overt Behavior appropriately. The mind and the body are closely related. When the mind is at ease, the body will be strong consequently. In addition, walking is considered as an exercise that is easy to do at anytime and anywhere. Nevertheless, a few people know these hidden benefits of mindful walking or the Walking Meditation, as “a well-trained mind brings the happiness.”


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How to Cite

Chongpadoongsath, S. (2024). How Does the Walking (Meditation) Affect Physical and Mental Health?. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 10(1), 401–416. Retrieved from