The Development of Learning Achievement in Foreign Language Words in Thai of Grade 9 Students, the Inquiry-Based Learning (5E) Combined with Exercise


  • Kamolluk Nigonta Thai Language Department, Faculty of Education Naresuan University
  • Brapaas Pengpoom Faculty of Humanities Naresuan University


Development, Academic Performance, foreign language borowing, 5E Inquiry-Based Learning, Exercises


           The purpose of this research is as follows: 1. To determine the effectiveness of exercise on foreign language vocabulary in the Thai language among grade 9 students using the 5E inquiry-based learning model according to the 80/80 standard criteria. 2. To compare the academic performance outcomes of foreign language vocabulary in the Thai language among grade 9 students before and after implementing the 5E inquiry-based learning model combined with exercise.3. To examine the satisfaction levels of grade 9 students towards the 5E inquiry-based learning model combined with exercise. The research methodology employed a single-group pre-test and post-test experimental design with a sample group of 40 grade 9 students from Prachasongkroh Wittaya School in Phitsanulok province, selected through simple random sampling using classroom units. The research tools utilized were: 1) Training materials on foreign language vocabulary borrowing for grade 9 students. 2) Lesson plans for Thai language teaching on foreign language vocabulary borrowing using the 5E inquiry-based learning model combined with exercise. 3) A test measuring academic performance on foreign language vocabulary borrowing for grade 9 students. 4) A questionnaire measuring satisfaction levels towards the 5E inquiry-based learning model combined with exercise on foreign language vocabulary borrowing in the Thai language. Statistical analysis included mean scores, standard deviations, paired t-tests, and the effectiveness of exercise on foreign language vocabulary borrowing for grade 9 students using the 5E inquiry-based learning model.

             Research findings reveal that:

1. The creation and effectiveness of training on foreign language vocabulary borrowing for grade 9 students using the 5E inquiry-based learning model showed effectiveness scores (E1/E2) of 95/82.92, indicating that the creation and effectiveness of training on foreign language vocabulary borrowing for grade 9 students exceeded the specified criteria of 80/80

2. Comparing academic performance outcomes on foreign language vocabulary borrowing among grade 9 students before and after implementing the 5E inquiry-based learning model combined with exercise, the average score before learning was 58, while the average score after learning was 24.88, indicating a statistically significant increase in post-learning scores compared to pre-learning scores at the .05 level of significance.

3. The overall satisfaction levels of grade 9 students towards the 5E inquiry-based learning model combined with exercise on foreign language vocabulary borrowing in the Thai language were rated as highly satisfactory.


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How to Cite

Nigonta, K., & Pengpoom, B. (2024). The Development of Learning Achievement in Foreign Language Words in Thai of Grade 9 Students, the Inquiry-Based Learning (5E) Combined with Exercise. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 10(1), 115–131. Retrieved from