Study of Basic Information in Game Development to Strengthen Learning Intentions and Promote Motor Ability of Elementary School Students


  • Chanakarn Khaosamlee Program in Education Physical, Faculty of Education, Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University
  • Sumon Waiboonya Program in Elementary Education, Faculty of Education, Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University


Game Development, Movement Performance, Concentration in Learning, Elementary Education


           The purpose of this research is to 1. Study basic information in developing games to enhance concentration in learning and promote motor skills of elementary school children. 2. To study the process of developing games that enhance concentration in learning and promote motor abilities of elementary school children and 3. To study guidelines for developing games that enhance concentration in learning and promote the movement competency of elementary school children. It is qualitative research. An interview form was used as a tool for collecting data. Sample group of 20 teachers obtained from purposive sampling. obtained from purposive sampling in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province. The researcher used descriptive data analysis (Descriptive Method). The data obtained from primary and secondary data were analyzed on important issues related to the matter studied.

             The research found that: 1. Study basic information on game development to enhance concentration in learning and promote the movement competency of elementary school children. The research found that: Games that should be used with elementary school children to promote motor skills. It should be a game that promotes motor skills while also practicing thinking skills and leads to basic sports skills of elementary school children. The format includes both individual and group competitions. It should be a game with rules and regulations. And the conditions for playing are simple and not complicated.The game must allow the child to have fun playing the game. 2. To study the process of developing games that enhance concentration in learning and promote motor abilities of elementary school children. The research found that: The process of developing games that enhance concentration in learning and promote motor abilities of elementary school children. It should consist of the following factors: 1) Increase teachers' knowledge skills. 2) Study the details of various types of games. 3) Create a game. 4) Set the duration for playing the game. 5) Evaluation. 3. To study guidelines for developing games that enhance concentration in learning and promote the movement competency of elementary school children. The research found that: The types of games used for elementary school children are as follows: 1) Game Play. 2) Sports games. 3) Group games. Teachers should choose games that are appropriate for their age, safety, Games should have a form of meditation for children to develop their learning potential.


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How to Cite

Khaosamlee , C., & Waiboonya, S. (2024). Study of Basic Information in Game Development to Strengthen Learning Intentions and Promote Motor Ability of Elementary School Students. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 10(1), 99–113. Retrieved from