Smoking and Ethical Responsibility


  • Natrada Heakham Faculty of Nurse, Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University


Smoking, Second-hand Smoke, Ethical Responsibility, Effects


           Smoking is one of the most common forms of recreational drug use. Smoking is the most popular form of smoking with more than one billion people worldwide. Most of which are in developing countries. Smoking has a negative effect on health. It is a major cause of many diseases such as lung cancer, heart attack, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  Five million deaths are caused by smoking a year. This shows that smoking can kill long-term smokers almost comparable to average mortality rate of non-smokers. Currently, Thailand faces health problems because of smoking including second-hand and third-hand cigarettes. Thai agencies including Buddhist organization and other religious agencies have launched all kinds of campaigns to raise awareness of the dangers of cigarettes. This article aims to present the impact of smoking in Thai society in many dimensions and the ethical responsibilities that smokers should have towards society by applying the five precepts and the principle of kindness. If the smokers understand the truth, they should not cause disease or causes to others, the surrounding society and impact. Buddhism teaches that if one knows that an individual still loves oneself, so does others, then do not cause other people to suffer.


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How to Cite

Heakham, N. (2024). Smoking and Ethical Responsibility. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 10(1), 371–384. Retrieved from