Buddhist psychology and living happily in today's world


  • Khanaphat Pongchalermporn Naval Medical Department, Royal Thai Navy


Buddhist Psychology, Living, Happiness, Today's World


            This article aims to study guidelines for a holistic approach to living based on Buddhist psychology, which seeks to cultivate practitioners' awareness of the mind's workings and the nature of your mind to identify the causes of suffering and ways to alleviate it. It also can be applied to behavior and mental processes until it becomes Buddhist psychology, which can explain the causes of behavior. It is a discipline applicable to navigating life in a rapidly changing social environment. There are studies that explore the application of Buddhist psychology to consumer behavior, specifically focusing on consumers' motivations for purchasing cosmetics for beauty and their influence on mental well-being. Additionally, these studies extend to marginalized groups utilizing Buddhist psychology principles to facilitate self-improvement and societal acceptance. Another approach to cultivating happiness through authentic Buddhist psychology is the practice of meditation. Meditation is crucial in developing cognitive potential, profoundly impacting emotions and creativity. Behavioral studies, which include the analysis of electrical brain waves, have demonstrated that individuals who practice breathing control experience direct effects on emotional regulation and alterations in brain wave patterns. As a result, adhering to Buddhist psychology principles in meditation can lead to significant improvements in both physical and mental well-being, providing valuable guidance for navigating life in our current environment and society.


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How to Cite

Pongchalermporn, K. (2023). Buddhist psychology and living happily in today’s world. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 9(2), 448–467. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/272988