Building Human Relationships According to Buddhist psychology


  • Molee Kheawsa-ard Sathira Dhammasathan, Bodhisattva valley, Kaeng Krachan Subdistrict, Kaeng Krachan District, Phetchaburi Province
  • Varithta Charuchinda Sathira Dhammasathan, Bodhisattva valley, Kaeng Krachan Subdistrict, Kaeng Krachan District, Phetchaburi Province
  • Kannika Mesawad Sathira Dhammasathan, Bodhisattva valley, Kaeng Krachan Subdistrict, Kaeng Krachan District, Phetchaburi Province
  • Siriwat Srikhruedong Department of Psychology Faculty of Humanities Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Human Relations, Buddhist Psychology, Psychology


             The Building of human relations according to Buddhist psychology is both a science and an art that promotes peaceful coexistence. Human relations are characteristics that characterize human identity and are a means of exerting influence over others. It involves learning to respect one another, put oneself in other people's situations, and be able to forgive one another. Human relations are essential for mutual understanding, have intimacy, love, support and respect for each other, all of which contribute to living and working together to effectively accomplish objectives.  

             In order to construct human relations based on the tenets of Buddhist psychology, one must uphold Buddhist principles which are good for interpersonal relationships in society, such as the four Sangha Vatthu which consist of 1) Dhana means giving, which should be based on generosity, selflessness, willingness to give, and not being troubled by giving. 2) Piyavācā means speaking beloved words. This term comprises Interaction is based mostly on communication. Talk with sincerity, kindness, and avoid gossip. Avoid acting dishonestly. 3) Atthacariya refers to any deed that is advantageous to oneself as well as to others. Don't bother other people. Avoid bothering and exploiting one another. 4) Samānatta means to act consistently. Therefore, the 4 Sangha Vatthu principles are the principles of mutual support among humans that will help create good relationships between each other both at the individual and social levels. which will lead to a good understanding between people and sustainable peace in the wider society.


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How to Cite

Kheawsa-ard, M. ., Charuchinda, V. ., Mesawad , K., & Srikhruedong , S. (2023). Building Human Relationships According to Buddhist psychology. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 9(2), 358–375. Retrieved from