Buddhist psychology encourages young people to see the true value in their own lives and society


  • Thanyaras Thanawatapichatchot Independent Academic, No. 31, Exclusive Village, Soi Ramkhamhaeng 108, Ramkhamhaeng Road, Saphan Sung Subdistrict, Saphan Sung District, Bangkok.
  • Suwatsan Ragkhanto Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Buddhist Psychology, Empowerment, Child, Youth, Life Value


            Today’s society is competing for progress in various materialistic areas, but lacks in morality, which means principles for living life. Related to morality & ethics such as honesty, kindness, duteous gratitude, it makes humans happy & comfortable physically, but has mental problems. The more society develops, the more problems the human mind has. It can be seen that modern’s teenager. Running too much in the world of technology, until forgetting the foundations of the original nature. Buddhist psychology is therefore a body of knowledge. That makes every teenager clearly understand the working process of the nature of the mind. Therefore, it is essential to make youth Able to understand & realize the power of one’s own mind through Buddhist psychology. In things around In order not to be attached to wrong values or listen to or consume false news & still be able to lead a happy life. Having a strong willpower is an important part. It’s like having good immunity. That will help the new generation of teenager to be able to adapt in the face of various situations very well. And have the ability to solve problems, see problems inner & outer strength, There are principles of Buddhist psychology or Buddhist Dhamma used to strengthen the mind, such as the 5 basic powers of Kalyanamitra Dhamma. Both of these principles are the basis for understanding reason. There is a principle to live life in the right way. Have a good quality of life.


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How to Cite

Thanawatapichatchot, T., & Ragkhanto, S. . (2023). Buddhist psychology encourages young people to see the true value in their own lives and society. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 9(2), 435–447. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/271083