Enhancing the Happy Workplace based on Buddhist Psychology of Paiboonkijthana Co.,Ltd


  • Anatthon Benjaworachot Paiboonkijtahna Co., LTD, Samut Sakhon Province


Enhancing, Organization, Happy Workplace, Buddhist Psychology


            The enhancing happiness based on the Buddhist psychology emphasizing learning and practice in order to reach a fit or balance in life. There is a harmonious relationship between the lives of individuals in the organization that interact with the surrounding environment where having a mercy know how to be generous and empathize with others.  These will be guidelines for developing one's life for lasting happiness. By creating happiness according to Buddhist psychology which have methods to guide one's development to have a good life and happiness in interacting with people in the organization. It makes the organization happy that can be perceived thoroughly, meaning a feeling of comfort, no worries, no worries, a happy mind that arises from working at that time and achieving results that are the aims of work. Managing human happiness by balancing the worlds in a personal dimension focus on your own happiness world in family focus on family happiness and the world in a social dimension focus on the happiness of the organization and society (Both in society within the organization and outside the organization) in an accordance with the concept of a happy organization (Happy Workplace) to create a good working atmosphere. More motivated to work. Organizations will also benefit from having people that are motivated, energetic and productive.

            This article presents about enhancing happiness for personnel in happy workplace based on the Buddhist psychology consisting of Iddhibadha 4 and Sangahavatthu 4 to create self-development for happiness getting through the use of Buddhist psychology for personal development, one knows how to solve problems, learning to create a mind that growing a virtue in living and developing mental traits to be moral, ethical and happy, which can lead a person to lead a normal life including living in Society as a whole will have only peace and chaos.


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How to Cite

Benjaworachot, A. . (2023). Enhancing the Happy Workplace based on Buddhist Psychology of Paiboonkijthana Co.,Ltd. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 9(2), 419–434. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/270602