Managing Stress in working age Creating Happiness According to Buddhist Psychology


  • Kanokrat Sudlapa World Medical Hospital, Nonthaburi Province


Stress, Anxiety, Working People, Creating Happiness, Buddhist Psychology


            Managing stress in working people by creating happiness according to the concept of Buddhist psychology, which is a very important problem for working people in the current situation. Due to the effects of the coronavirus disease until now. That affects the working age population who are faced with changes in unstable economic conditions. Salary reduction for unemployed people political conflict and the increasingly competitive social environment affects physical health problems family problems Fragile relationship Conflict easily arises. This affects efficiency and work pressure. This causes chronic stress and reduces happiness at work. Managing stress from taking antidepressants Stress management methods have been adopted, including stress relief methods, muscle relaxation exercises to reduce stress. Causes changes in the body, mind, behavior and thinking. As a result, the person will have less stress. and brought together eight approaches to create happiness, including 1) Finding one's own good points 2) Finding others' good points 3) adding 3. Exercise, food, emotions and eliminating alcohol, drugs, and smoking 4) Building a warm family, 5) Balancing life with the 8-8-8 principle, 6) Volunteering and benevolent to others, 7) Having a mental anchor, and 8) Satisfaction with what one has to see the value. of things that exist Giving working people a way to promote own mental health family and people around so that working-age people have good mental health and can adapt Stress is reduced and have more happiness to achieve effective collaboration Stress management in working people according to Buddhist psychology will be the mental immunity of working people in working in balance. relax and happy Help create better health.


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How to Cite

Sudlapa, K. . (2023). Managing Stress in working age Creating Happiness According to Buddhist Psychology. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 9(2), 406–418. Retrieved from