A Communication Model for Success of Working-age People Based on Buddhist Psychology


  • Alisa Setthakam Master of Arts, Program Buddhist Psychology, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Maytawee Udomtamanupab Department of Psychology Faculty of Humanities Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Kamalas Phoowachanathipong Department of Psychology Faculty of Humanities Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Communication Model, Success, Working-age People, Buddhist Psychology


           The objectives of the study consisted of 1. to study the concepts and theories of communication for success of working-age people based on Buddhist Psychology; 2. to analyze and synthesize Buddhist and Psychological principles to create a communication model for the success of working-age people based on Buddhist Psychology; and 3. to present the communication model for success of working-age people based on Buddhist psychology. This research was a qualitative research in nature, using an in-depth interview with a semi-structured interview to collect data from 15 key informants working in various occupations and a focus group discussion with 3 groups of experts, totally 27 in number. The C6 techniques were employed for analyzing the data.

             The research found that:

  1. The concepts and theories of communication for success of working-age people based on Buddhist Psychology comprised 1) A sender: The sender should think before speaking, speak truthfully, words had to be beneficial to others, speak softly and gently generating a wisdom to others, with a serious and contemplative demeanor being filled with loving-kindness, a great faith with a specific, clear and timely goal for understanding different opinions; 2) A message: It should comprise 5 characteristics including truthfulness, Tathata as what as they really are,  Kala as the proposed and appropriate time, Piya as preference and satisfaction for the messenger and the receiver, and Attha as the beneficial content; 3) A receiver: The receiver should listen with total awareness, consider the information critically without any bias nor prejudice, with a polite and respectful demeanor, know how to communicate  with humility and understanding the hearts of listeners, with the aim of creatively creating the lasting friendship in sincere words, positive emotions and in an admirable manner.
  2. The analysis and synthesis of Buddhist and Psychological principles to create a communication model for the success of working-age people based on Buddhist Psychology consisted of Analysis: 1) the Buddhist principles including the Iddhibada 4, Sanghawatthu 4, the 4 proverbial principles and the Seven Enlightenment Principles, and 2) Psychology including Eric Berne’s Analysis of Interpersonal Communication (TA) and McClelland’s Achievement Motivation. Synthesized into a form called "KWASDHR MODEL"
  3. A communication model for success of working-age people based on Buddhist Psychology was a communication model focusing on 3 important communication elements including a messenger, message and receiver, showing that  Buddhist and Psychological principles applied were appropriate, consisting of 4 standards with practicality, feasibility and suitability with accurate standards called "KWASDHR MODEL” consisting of 1) Knowledge, 2) Wisdom, 3) Awareness, 4) Self Esteem, 5) Development, 6) Happiness, and 7) Best Relationship,  when being applied, it will result in success in the life of working-age people in terms of social system work according to relationship status Jobs by position.


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How to Cite

Setthakam, A., Udomtamanupab , M., & Phoowachanathipong, K. (2023). A Communication Model for Success of Working-age People Based on Buddhist Psychology. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 9(2), 59–74. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/269997