Personnel’s Quality Development of Dong Phaya Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Bo Kluea District, Nan Province


  • Nathawat Thimitr Master of Public Administration Program in Public Administration Nan Buddhist College
  • Phrakhrupalad Watcharaphong Vacirapañño Program in Public Administration Nan Buddhist College
  • Thitiwut Manmee Program in Public Administration Nan Buddhist College


Development, Quality of Life, Personnel, Subdistrict Administrative Organization


             The objectives of this research article are: 1. To study the quality of life of personnel of Dong Phaya Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Bo Kluea District, Nan Province 2. To compare the quality of life of Dong Phaya Subdistrict Administrative Organization personnel. Bo Kluea District, Nan Province, classified according to personal factors 3. To present guidelines for developing the quality of life of the personnel of the Dong Phaya Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Bo Kluea District, Nan Province, applying the 4 principles of meditation as a mixed method research between quantitative research. and research using questionnaires to collect quantitative data from a sample of 110 people. Data were analyzed using social science research packages. Quality used in-depth interviews with 10 key informants or people. Data were analyzed using descriptive content analysis.

             The research finding were as follow;

  1. Quality of life of Dong Phaya Subdistrict Administrative Organization personnel Bo Kluea District, Nan Province, overall is at a moderate level. 2. Comparison of opinions on quality of life development Personal factors found that personnel were not different in gender, age, status, and salary/compensation. Personnel had educational levels, positions, and length of work. There are different opinions. Statistical significance level 0.01 3. Developing the quality of life of the personnel of the Dong Phaya Subdistrict Administrative Organization according to the principles of Bhavana 4, with restraint of body and speech, helping and supporting each other. Live an honest and disciplined career. Personnel have undergone Vipassana meditation training and can use it in their daily life and efficiency.


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How to Cite

Thimitr, N., Vacirapañño , P. W., & Manmee, T. (2023). Personnel’s Quality Development of Dong Phaya Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Bo Kluea District, Nan Province. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 9(2), 171–185. Retrieved from