Model of Participation in The Five Precepts Observation Promotion for Ban Yu Sub-District, Thawangpha District, Nan Province


  • Phra Athikan Yongyuth Yuttathammo (Pathi) Master of Public Administration Program in Public Administration Nan Buddhist College
  • Worapat Khumpong Program in Public Administration Nan Buddhist College


Participation, Five Precepts Observation Promotion, Ban Yu Sub-District


           The objectives of this research article were to study participation level, a comparative study of community participation in the five precepts observation promotion project classified by personal factors and to propose a model for participation in the five precepts observation promotion for Ban Yu Sub-District, thawangpha district, Nan Province. The research was conducted by using mixed method research.  The quantitative research used a questionnaire to collect the data from 361 samples and analyzed data by using social science application. The qualitative research was conducted by using in-depth interviews with 10 key informants. The data were analyzed by using descriptive analysis and content analysis. The research findings ware as follow; 1. The participation in the five precepts observation promotion by overall was at a moderate level (Mean = 3.29) 2. The results comparative study of community participation in the five precepts observation promotion project classified by personal factors it was found that people had different genders and levels of education. Their opinions on participation were not different. The people have different ages, occupations and incomes. There are different opinions on participation. Statistically significant at the 0.05 level. 3. Model for community participation in promoting the 5 Precepts Village Project has 4 aspects: 1) Participation in decision-making 2) Participation in operations 3) Participation 4) Participation in the evaluation


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How to Cite

Yuttathammo (Pathi) , P. A. Y., & Khumpong, W. (2023). Model of Participation in The Five Precepts Observation Promotion for Ban Yu Sub-District, Thawangpha District, Nan Province. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 9(1), 97–109. Retrieved from