Management According to Buddhist Governance of Tan Chum Subdistrict Administrative Organization at Thawangpha District, Nan Province


  • Phrakhrujaruwanchaiwat - Master of Public Administration Program in Public Administration Nan Buddhist College
  • Theeratas Rojkitjakul Program in Public Administration Nan Buddhist College


Management, Buddhist Good Governance, Subdistrict Administrative Organization


           Objectives of this research article were; 1. to study the level of management opinions of tan chum subdistrict administrative organization at tha wang pha district, Nan province 2. Comparison of people's opinions towards the administration according to Buddhist governance of tan chum subdistrict administrative organization tha wang pha district, Nan province and 3. to propose guidelines for applying Buddhist principles in administration according to Buddhist governance of tan chum subdistrict administrative organization tha wang pha district, Nan province. The research was conducted by using mixed method research.  The quantitative research used a questionnaire to collect the data from 377 samples and analyzed data by using social science application. The qualitative research was conducted by using in-depth interviews with 10 key informants. The data were analyzed by using descriptive analysis and content analysis

             The research findings ware as follow;

  1. Level of management according to Buddhist governance of tan chum subdistrict administrative organization tha wang pha District, Nan province, as a whole, was at a high level. The principle of four Iddhipada was at a high level overall.
  2. The comparison of management opinions according to Buddhist governance of tha wang pha district, Nan province. Classified by personal status People have different sex and status. There were no differences in opinions towards the administration according to Buddhist governance. The age of the population education level and different professions There are different opinions towards management according to Buddhist governance. Statistically significant at the 0.05 level.
  3. The guidelines for applying Dhamma principles in administration according to Buddhist governance of Tan Chum Subdistrict Administrative Organization Tha Wang Pha District, Nan Province, is the integration and application of the four Iddhipada principles, is the integration and application of the four powers of power, namely satisfaction, perseverance, attentiveness, and reflection. with 5 aspects of management is planning organization organization command, coordination and control of the organization As a result, the management of Tan Chum Subdistrict Administrative Organization Tha Wang Pha District, Nan Province is efficient and responds to the needs of the people in the area.


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How to Cite

-, P. ., & Rojkitjakul, T. (2023). Management According to Buddhist Governance of Tan Chum Subdistrict Administrative Organization at Thawangpha District, Nan Province. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 9(1), 85–95. Retrieved from