Guidelines for the Personnal Administration According to Sappurisadhamma 7 of School Administrators of Bangkung Network Educational Institutions, Suratthani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1


  • Niramon Dapngoen Master of Education Program, Buddhist Education Administration, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Phrakhruprachotkichchaporn - Buddhist Education Administration, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Boonlert Weeraponkan Buddhist Education Administration, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Personnal Administration, Sappurisadhamma 7, School Administrators


           The objectives of this research are: 1. to study the condition of personnel administration of Bang Kung network educational institutions, Surat thani primary educational service area office 1 2. To study the approach to personnel administration according to Sappurisdhamma 7 of Bang Kung network educational institutions, Surat thani primary educational service area office 1 3. to promote the guidelines for personnel administration according to Sappurisdhamma 7 of Bang Kung network educational institutions, Surat thani primary educational service area office 1. The study was a qualitative research by studying and researching documents In-depth interviews and focus groups. Data were collected via in- depth interviews with 15 people involved, 5 key informants, and focus group discussion by 7experts. The research tool was an in-depth interview for analytic induction.

             The results of the study revealed that:

  1. The condition of personnel administration of school administrators in the Bang Kung network Under Surat Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, there are 5 aspects, consisting of 1) Personnel Planning 2) Recruitment 3) Personnel Development 4) Personnel Retention 5) Personnel Performance Evaluation.
  2. Guidelines for Personnel Management According to the Principles of Sappurisadhamma 7 of School Administrators in Bang Kung Network Under the Surat Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office Office 1, it consists of 5 areas of administration: 1) Personnel Planning 2) Personnel Recruitment 3) Personnel Development 4) Personnel Retention 5) Personnel Performance Evaluation All steps are carried out together using the Seven Sappurisadhamma principles.
  3. The experts examined the approaches for personnel administration according to the Seven Sappurisadhamma of school administrators in Bang Kung network. Under Surat Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, it was found that the 5 aspects of personnel administration were related to the 7 Sappurisadhamma principles. Attanyuta Knowing oneself, Mattanyuta Knowing moderately, Kalanyuta Knowing Kala, Parisanyuta Knowing the community. In a group discussion that everyone considers appropriate, feasible and useful. can be used.


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How to Cite

Dapngoen, N., -, P., & Weeraponkan, B. (2023). Guidelines for the Personnal Administration According to Sappurisadhamma 7 of School Administrators of Bangkung Network Educational Institutions, Suratthani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 9(1), 133–153. Retrieved from