Guidelines for the Implementation of Internal Quality Assurance System According to Iddhipada 4 of Bangkung Network Educational Institutions, Surat Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1


  • Nanthaporn Sawekwang Master of Education Program, Buddhist Education Administration, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Boonlert Weeraponkan Buddhist Education Administration, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Phrakhruprachotkichchaporn - Buddhist Education Administration, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Internal Quality Assurance System, Iddhipada, Educational Service Area, Surat Thani


           The objectives of this research are: 1. to study the status of the implementation of internal quality assurance system of Bangkung network educational institutions, Suratthani primary educational service area office 1 2. to study the guidelines for the implementation of internal quality assurance system according to Iddhipada 4 of Bangkung network educational institutions, Surat Tthani primary educational service area office 1 and 3) to promote the guidelines for the implementation of internal quality assurance system according to Iddhipada 4 of Bangkung network educational institutions, Surat Thani primary educational service area office 1.The study was a qualitative research by studying and researching documents In-depth interviews and focus groups. Data were collected via in- depth interviews with 15 people involved, 5 key informants, and focus group discussion by 7experts. The research tool was an in-depth interview for analytic induction.

             The results of the study revealed that:

  1. The status of the implementation of internal quality assurance system of Bangkung network educational institutions, Surat Thani primary educational service area office 1 has a scope of operation in 7 steps, consisting of 1) setting educational standards for educational institutions 2) formulating a plan for developing educational management for educational institutions 3) implementing an educational management development plan for educational institutions 4) evaluating and to examining the quality of education within an educational institutions 5) following up on the results of the implementation of the development of educational institutions to acquire the quality according to the educational standards 6) preparing the self-assessment report and 7) developing educational institutions to be qualitative.         
  2. The guidelines for the implementation of internal quality assurance system according to Iddhipada 4 of Bangkung network educational institutions, Surat Thani primary educational service area office 1consist of 7 steps which are as follows 1) setting up educational standards of educational institutions 2) creating a plan for developing educational management of educational institutions 3) Implementing a plan for developing educational management of educational institutions 4) evaluating and examining the quality of education within educational institutions 5)following up on the results of the implementation of the development of educational institutions to be qualitative according to the educational standards 6) preparing the self-assessment report 7) developing educational institutions to be qualitative in every operation step together by using Iddhipada 4.
  3. The experts verified the guidelines for the implementation of internal quality assurance system according to Iddhipada 4of Bangkung network educational institutions, Surat Thani primary educational service area office 1 and found that 7 steps of operations are related to the Iddhipada 4 principle, being satisfied, being willing to plan. Goal setting, perseverance, determination, action according to the plan, Chitta, paying attention to the evaluation of the performance to achieve the progress of the work, Vimangsa, analyzing the results obtained, improving the fever. Regarding the focus group discussion, the guidelines have suitability, possibility and usefulness which can be applicable.


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How to Cite

Sawekwang, N., Weeraponkan, B., & -, P. (2023). Guidelines for the Implementation of Internal Quality Assurance System According to Iddhipada 4 of Bangkung Network Educational Institutions, Surat Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 9(1), 111–131. Retrieved from