The Effects of Using Distance Training Package to Develop Guidance Teachers Ability to Design Guidance Activities for Promoting Awareness of Cyber-Bullying among Secondary School Students


  • Niranat Sansa Program in Guidance and Psychological Counseling School of Educational Studies Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University


Distance Training Package, Guidance Teachers, Guidance Activities, Cyber-Bullying, Secondary School


The objectives of this research were to: 1) compare the ability of guidance teachers to design guidance activities to promote cyber-bullying awareness among secondary school students before and after using the distance training package; and 2) study the opinions of guidance teachers towards the distance training package to design guidance activities to promote cyber-bullying awareness among secondary school students. The research sample consisted of 22 guidance teachers in educational institutes under Chanthaburi-Trad Secondary Educational Service Area Office who organized guidance activities in the academic year 2022. They were obtained by simple random sampling. The research tools were 1) the distance training package titled the design of guidance activities to promote awareness of cyber-bullying among secondary school students; 2) an assessment form for the guidance teachers' ability to design activities; and 3) an assessment form for the guidance teachers' opinions towards the distance training package. The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test.

          The research results showed that 1) after the training, the guidance teachers' ability to design guidance activities to promote awareness of cyber-bullying among secondary school students was significantly higher than before training at the .05 level, and 2) the guidance teachers had an opinion, in the overall, the distance training package was at the highest level. The highest average was the language used was clear and easy to understand, followed by the content was appropriate for the trainers, and the lowest average was the sequence of content relationships was appropriate.


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How to Cite

Sansa, N. (2022). The Effects of Using Distance Training Package to Develop Guidance Teachers Ability to Design Guidance Activities for Promoting Awareness of Cyber-Bullying among Secondary School Students. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(2), 1–16. Retrieved from