The Effect of Buddhist Music Therapy Program to Increase Sustained Attention for Students with Special Needs in Junior High Shool Level The Phibun Prachasan School, Bangkok


  • Jidapa Kerdsurivong Ph.D. Buddhist Psychology Department of Psychology Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Siriwat Srikhruedong Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, MCU
  • Putthachat Phaensomboon Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, MCU
  • Jakkrit Klaphajone Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University


Buddhist Music Therapy Program, Increase Sustained Attention, Students with Special Needs, Junior High School Level


This study aimed 1. to study the theoretical concepts of psychology, principles of music therapy and sound wave therapy, and Buddhadhamma for developing the sustained attention of students with special needs in junior high school level ; 2. to develop Buddhist music program on increasing the sustained attention of students with special needs in junior high school level; and 3. to present the effects of Buddhist music program on increasing the sustained attention of students with special needs in junior high school level. The study was quasi-experimental in nature. The sample of the study consisted of 9 students with special needs, aged between 12-18years, who were diagnosed by a child and adolescent psychiatrist as having autism spectrum disorders (ASD) studying in the 1st - 3rd year special class in junior high school level of the Phibun Prachasan School, Bangkok, in the academic year of 2020.They were screened having risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) using the SNAP-IV Behavioral Assessment Form (short form) for parents and teachers and receiving the Buddhist Music Therapy Program for listening to 20 minutes a time for 8 weeks, 5 days a week. Data collection tools consisted of PEBL Continuous Performance Task (PCPT) and the concentration behavior assessment, and Follow-up at one month by interview parents with telephone. According to the list of the concentration behavior assessment. The data were analyzed by the statistics including mean, percentage, standard deviation, and Wilcoxon signed ranks test.

           The results of the study were as follows:

  1. The Buddhist Music Therapy Program as developed consisted of the sound of chanting Bojjhangaparitta combined with music and nature sounds, interspersed by Superimposed Binaural Beat sound waves at 10 hertz (Hz) for listening to 20 minutes a time for 8 weeks, 5 days a week.
  2. There was no change on the sustained attention of the experimental group before and after treatment due to no difference (p >0.05).

3.       The concentration behavior assessment of the experimental group before and after treatment had the statistically significant difference at (p <0.05).And form the interview of parents, it was found that after use the Buddhist music therapy program, the participants’concentration behaviors increased, and listening to Buddhist music therapy encouraged children to be interested in listening to prayers as It was an easy and convenient way for children to use the MP3 player themselves without asking an adult to help. It was also found to help relieve stress and make children sleep well and reduce the use of behavior modification drugs as well.


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How to Cite

Kerdsurivong, J., Srikhruedong , S., Phaensomboon , P., & Klaphajone, J. (2022). The Effect of Buddhist Music Therapy Program to Increase Sustained Attention for Students with Special Needs in Junior High Shool Level The Phibun Prachasan School, Bangkok. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(2), 37–63. Retrieved from