Leadership of Secondary School Administrators according to Buddhism in the New Normal Era


  • Phrakhrudhammabhisamai Educational administration course Faculty of Education Northeastern Campus Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Wudhichai Yaowapho Independent Academician
  • Khwanjai Kaewsaeng Academic Service Center Northeast Campus Mahamakut Buddhist University


Leadership, Secondary School Administrators, Buddhist Principles


Buddhism has many dharma principles that are suitable for applying to the self-development of high school administrators. If applying Buddhist dharma principles to the administration of educational establishments, it results in many good results, resulting in happiness both in the present and in the future, both for the administrators themselves. And all colleagues or subordinates the trust is accepted, which will result in the success of the school administrators' school administration. Therefore, the author is interested in studying the principles of Buddhism. That can be applied to secondary school administrators Therefore, it is very important for secondary school administrators to manage the school. and is a driving factor in bringing schools teachers and related personnel to develop to achieve the goals School administrators are able to apply Buddhist principles to school administration in the New Normal era, which is the second principle, which consists of 1) Chakkhuma, which is the proficiency in thinking or thinking skills; 2) Withu Ro is technical expertise or operational skills, and 3) nissaya sampanno is interpersonal skills or interpersonal skills. And the threefold principles, consisting of precepts, concentration, and wisdom, and play an important role in managing educational resources effectively. And balance for successful educational management and must have the qualities to be respected as a person of virtue Ethics are accepted by society. And use a moral system in management. In addition, school administrators should choose principles that are appropriate and affect the important and necessary competencies of administrators. Teacher performance and educational personnel with the highest efficiency and effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Phrakhrudhammabhisamai, Yaowapho, W., & Kaewsaeng, K. (2022). Leadership of Secondary School Administrators according to Buddhism in the New Normal Era. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(2), 439–459. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/261495