Guidelines for Creating the Learning Opportunity of Underprivileged Children according to Buddhism


  • Phrakhusamu Uthai Manorat Student of Doctor of Philosophy Program in Buddhist Studies Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Phayao Campus
  • Phramaha Phongprabhakorn Visuddhiñāṇamedhī Buddhist Studies, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Phayao Campus
  • Phra Chayananthamuni Phra Chayananthamuni Buddhist Studies, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Nakhon Nan Buddhist College
  • Suthep Saraban Buddhist Studies, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Phayao Campus


Creating Opportunities, Learning, Disadvantaged Children


This Dissertation has three objectives: 1. to study the guidelines for creating learning opportunities for underprivileged children, 2. to study the process of creating learning opportunities for underprivileged children according to the Buddhism, and 3. to analyze the pattern of opportunity creating process learning for underprivileged children according to the Buddhism. This is a qualitative research by Interview and Focus Group. The results showed that

  1. The guidelines to creating learning opportunities for underprivileged children are managed by the ministry of education in order to render equal and sound services. The ministry manages the effective integrated education both in academic talents and life skills. The rights for freedom and vocational trainings were also promoted.
  2. For the process of creating learning opportunities for underprivileged children according to Buddhism, it was found that the 4 Bhavanas or principle of Fourfold Developments help in the learning of underprivileged children in the following ways: 1. In terms of physical development (Kāya-bhāvanā), it was found that there was an integration of learning to develop physical, moral, mental, and wisdom at the same time in order to have a learning process with mental virtues. With chanting and meditation before class Iong prayers every week participate in activities with the temple on important Buddhist days. 2. As for the precepts (Sīla-bhāvanā), it was found that the advisors were trained to teach and to keep the five precepts as a guideline for training by educational institutions without contradicting the law and good culture of society. 3. On the mental aspect (Citta-bhāvanā), it was found that there was a teaching and learning management aimed at having moral virtues, with the insertion of moral and ethical virtues in the classroom to allow students to know their own mind. 4. Regarding wisdom (Paññā-bhāvanā), found that the 21st century world society is an information society that comes with technological advancements and communication by focusing on the development of learners with more thinking skills like analytical thinking and critical thinking.
  3. For the pattern of process in creating learning opportunities for underprivileged children according to Buddhism, it was found that there is an integration of learning in terms of academic aspects, moral and ethical aspects, and life skills based on Buddhist principles as the guideline for creating learning opportunities. As a result, there is an integration of learning based on the fourfold development or the principle of 4 Bhavanas covering the developments in the four dimensions: physical, social, emotional and intellectual. 


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How to Cite

Manorat, P. U., Visuddhiñāṇamedhī, P. P., Phra Chayananthamuni, P. C., & Saraban, S. (2022). Guidelines for Creating the Learning Opportunity of Underprivileged Children according to Buddhism. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(2), 165–180. Retrieved from