Improving the Quality of Life of the Elderly


  • Thanasawan Yingyong Thai Pho Traditional Medicine Clinic in Samut Sakhon Province
  • Thanad Chaiyaphan Department of Psychology Faculty of Humanities Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Phra Sophonvachiravathee (Arthit) Songdee Wat Prayurawongsawas Woravihara, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Phramaha Thaworn Thawarametee Central Affairs Division, Office of the Rector, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Good Lifestyle, Hospitality, Social Care


           Improving the quality of life of the elderly in the Action Plan on the Elderly, Phase 3 (2023 - 2037) emphasizes participation from all relevant sectors at every level. There is an analysis of the current and future environments that will affect the operations of the elderly. in the dimensions of economy, society, health, environment, technology and innovation In the Royal Gazette which is linked to the 3rd phase of the action plan for the elderly as follows: (1) strengthening a society of giving and helping each other (2) increasing the capacity of local communities in development, self-reliance and self-management (3) developing a system A basic database for use in preparing community development plans that involve the participation of people in the community and based on empirical data. (4) Continuing development based on social and cultural capital. Ensure that the elderly have desired health Promote the health of the elderly Give them the opportunity to show their potential in promoting their own health. family and community Enabling the elderly to live their final lives happily Therefore, it requires cooperation from government agencies, the private sector, communities and families. Therefore, when the elderly is well cared for in terms of physical welfare, the mental aspect is an important part for the elderly to receive or receive psychological relief. By relying on Buddhadharma That is, develop the intellect to look at the truth and changes in life with the rules of the Three Characteristics. and create a quality of life with the principles of Iddhipādhamma as a tool to continue nourishing the mind and body. And refine the mind to be happy at the same time, it will restore the physical and mental abilities of the elderly to be happy at the same time.


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How to Cite

Yingyong, T., Chaiyaphan, T. ., Songdee, P. S. (Arthit) ., & Thawarametee, P. T. . (2023). Improving the Quality of Life of the Elderly. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 9(2), 340–357. Retrieved from