Language users’ Conceit of “Education” and “Medical Treatments”: Concept and Diversity in the Context of Basic Education


  • Vitoon Mettajit Candidate, Doctor of Philosophy Program in Thai, Faculty of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao
  • Warawat Sriyabhaya Program in Thai, Faculty of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao
  • Warunya Ingyongsak Program in Thai, Faculty of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao
  • Sarawut Lordee Program in Thai, Faculty of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao


Conceit, Education, Concept, Medical Treat


The aims of this qualitative study are two-fold: 1. to investigate how conceits were used to compare education to medical treatments, and 2. to explore variations in the use of conceits for such purpose in the context of basic education during the period of NCPO between 2557 and 2562. Data were purposively collected from the National Education Act, relevant posts and messages from Kru Nok Krob Facebook Page and as well as speeches transcribed from 171 videos on YouTube that communicate education-related issues. The three target groups of participants in this study involve policy makers, educational practitioners and stakeholders. Using a framework of conceit and conceptual metaphor in cognitive linguistics and language variation, the study examined metaphors manifesting how education conceptually compares to medical treatments. Findings revealed two main issues.

  1. 149 metaphors were found, pointing to six education related components, including 1) educational executives and personnel representing medical personnel and patients, 2) solving problems related to the educational system and educational services representing medical treatment 3) work-related processes and lesson content representing medicine 4) educational problems and obstacles representing diseases, 5) conditions that need to be urgently remedied representing specific symptoms and an urgent need for medical care 6) the impacts on the educational system representing results in the treatment.
  2. Analysis of variations in language use depending on types of users revealed how conceits were differently employed by the three groups of language users. That is, education policy makers tended to employ conceits only in spoken language. Education practitioners appeared to conceive of themselves as healthcare professionals and patients. Stakeholders who were the direct products of the educational system did not seem to perceive that medicine represents work and lesson content. They reflected that there was an urgent need to solve educational problems, and that outcomes of the educational system represent severe health conditions that cannot be cured.


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How to Cite

Mettajit, V., Sriyabhaya, W., Ingyongsak, W., & Lordee, S. (2022). Language users’ Conceit of “Education” and “Medical Treatments”: Concept and Diversity in the Context of Basic Education. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(2), 281–302. Retrieved from