Guideline for the Development of Director Attributes According to Threefold Training, Phang Nga Vocational College


  • Dantawee Manajit Master of Education Program Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Boonlert Weeraponkan Master of Education Program Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Phrakhru Pijitsupakarn Phrakhru Pijitsupakarn Master of Education Program Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Feature Development, Threefold Training, School Administrators


The research aimed 1. to study the characteristics of college administrators under vocational education 2. to investigate the guideline for the development of characteristics based on the Threefold Training principle of the college administrators 3. to propose the development of attributes of college administrators under the vocational education according to Threefold Training principle. This research employed a mixed-method between quantitative and qualitative research. The population and samples used in the research included 127 administrators and teachers. Statistics used in the research included percentage, mean, standard deviation using the Alpha coefficient formula of the Cronbach method and an in-depth interview with five experts, and a focus group with 7 experts.

The findings were as follows:

  1. Overall, the level of attributes of college administrators was very high. When each attribute was taken into consideration, it was found that academic attribute, showed mean at the highest level, followed by the characteristics of the leadership, regarding personality attributes, and visionary attributes, showed the lowest mean, respectively.
  2. Guidelines for the development of attributes based on the Threefold Training principle of college administrators. The Threefold Training principle: precept (sila), concentration (samàdhi), and wisdom (pannà). Precept training is five precepts to direct control of physical, verbal action. Concentration training or mental development by practicing breath. As a result, there will be concentration leading to a peaceful mind which is powerful with mindfulness and awareness that is conducive to wisdom and creative idea. That would enable ones to well manage, direct, and control the organization with the potential for synthesis and analysis, leading to associates' respect, confidence, and trust and they would be ready to follow their administrators.

          3.       Regarding the proposal of guidelines for the development attributes of college administrators. According to the principle of Threefold Training, all experts in the focus group agreed that the guideline is appropriate, feasible, and useful with the structure according to the elements suggested by the experts.


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How to Cite

Manajit, D., Weeraponkan, B., & Phrakhru Pijitsupakarn, P. P. (2022). Guideline for the Development of Director Attributes According to Threefold Training, Phang Nga Vocational College. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(2), 181–198. Retrieved from